Thursday 26 August 2010

This is War

I was discharged from court early today due to the trial not being ready and having developed a stonking (yes stonking) cold over the last few days I decided to hit the hay for a few hours after drinking a good quantity of beechams all in one (a gift from Mr S yesterday) through a straw.

Anyway as I was waking up from my sombre I heard the familiar banging of doors downstairs = flatmate home!  Anyhoo as my door was shut she presumed I wasn't home and she was in the upper half of the flat snooping about... MY half of the flat.  With a crap load of space downstairs primarily for her use (yesss the cupboard), there is no reason for her to be upstairs at all and the only items up here are mine.  If I find anything missing I'll be officially going to war! 

Speaking of jury duty, I've been chatting quite a lot to a middle aged woman and a guy the last few days as its involved a lot of waiting around and today the guy asked me out.  I won't give him a name but will say he is tall, dark, great looking and has pearly white teeth so whats the catch?  Alas... when I asked his age expecting a 22/23 he said '19, nearly 20' so I said thanks but no thanks.
What is it with me?  I am like a magnet to young blood!
Edwin Starr - War

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