Wednesday 18 August 2010

Everything & A Moment in Time

I'm just in from drinks with some People in town and I think it's time I told you why and how I ended up dating Mr S when all I set out for was another serial date.

When I first met Mr S he was 20mins late for our date... When he did turn up he took me to a bar that was covered in fairy lights (to this day i'm still unsure if he walked past me and then came back).  The plan had been to meet, go for a drink and then head to the cinema.  It never happened.  We started talking, the conversation flowed and we ended up talking our way to midnight when the bar closed when he drove me home.

I heard from Mr S the next day and we decided to meet for a second date.  We arranged to meet the following weekend and on the Sat morning I got a call first thing (8amish) asking me to get dressed and be ready to go in less than 30mins as he was about to pick me up.  On our first date I had made clear I was into the sporadic and Mr S had decided the way to win me over would be to do this so had planned an adventure.  When he turned up I got into his car and we set off on a 2hr car journey (where his car had interestingly been programmed to play all my fave tunes). 

When the car stopped we had arrived at a outdoor activity centre where Mr S had organised a day for us to do: clay pigeon shooting, archery, target shooting and golf driving.  We had a great day and giggled the whole time.  I remember thinking that as he had something planned for the day I would bid on ebay for local tickets to the turning on of the christmas lights in case the date went well and we wanted it to continue.  I didn't win the tickets and it turned out several weeks later when the conversation arose that the person I lost out to was Mr S as we had been bidding against each other.  We never made it to the turning on of the lights as had our first kiss which sent fireworks flying and we spent the rest of the night kissing and talking and kissing some more wanting nothing more and nothing less than each other.

I had been well and truly swept off my feet.  He was interesting, spontaneous, fun, and funny not to mention hot and had a really strange and exciting feeling that I had met someone that would change my life forever.
After only a few weeks together Mr S played me the following song and said it reminded him of me.  As time went on I thought it might be the song that someday I would walk down the aisle to greet him with. 

He blew me away, stole my heart and despite everything that has happened since I will never forget him.

Our Song:  Lifehouse - Everything

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