Tuesday 10 August 2010

Eye of the Storm

I know... I know... I've not kept to my blog promise of late and 'a year in the life of' has been on the sidelines this last few months :(

The truth be told I've kind of been coasting along trying to get a grip of a few things.  Let me see if I can get you up to date super fast..!

Mr S lied to me again, this time over something there was no point in lying over.  I can't really tell you what it was as it is personal to him and as I've said before this is my blog so I don't want to 'out' other peoples lives/secrets.  Needless to say however it was the last straw and I officially laid my cards out - I don't need someone in my life who is going to lie, someone who is going to over react to every situation and someone who is incapable of realising when they are in the wrong.  I mean, we all make mistakes, no-one is perfect but there does come a time when you have to stick your hands in the air and say 'oops' and quite frankly I don't have time for anyone in my life who is incapable of doing that.  Anyway we are on plesant terms these days other than that no, I wouldn't say we are friends anymore.

My flatmate is doing my head in!  She is either here with her boyfriend taking over the entire kitchen with bad cooking and irratic and slightly manic laughing or she isn't here at all but fails to let me know.  I'm talking weeks here - I mean if you leave the flat for a week would it kill you to let the people you live with know...? I think not!  Especially as our neighbours have gone slightly off the boil again and it seems add alcohol into the mix and they are banging on doors and screaming abuse so to be able to lock myself in nice and secure would be nice but NO.... apparently that is too much trouble.  In short... it appears I am living with a 32yr old who is going on 16 and lets just say if her relationship with her bf crashes down around her ankles anytime soon she won't know what to do with herself and I most certainly won't be lending a shoulder or an ear. In fact, the only body part I may offer her is my middle finger shortly followed by my index.

Work is all over the place but i'll not bore you with the details.  I was away at a training course last week and so only made it into the office one day - DeLongue was at my desk asking where I had been.  He is on AL the next few weeks so I won't be seeing much of him but no - I've still no idea what is going on there so I think i'm just going to put him down as 'something pretty to look at', work eye candy of the 21st century.

I think you are caught up now so I'll blog tomorrow and tell you about a few nights out i've had.

Head Automica - Bleeding Heart Baby

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