Wednesday 25 August 2010


Going back where I grew up for a few days was fantastic.  I didn't realise how much I missed the beach and the sand and the sunshine until I got there and went for a stroll in the sun.  I'm definately going to have to make sure it isn't another 8yrs before I head back.

I met up with a few people from school which was great, was offered a few kisses but didn't take any up, caught a bit of a sun tan, caught up with mum and met up with Herb which was great.

Jury Duty is on just now and i'm full of the cold so will keep this brief until everything is over as might be sequestered tomorrow and still need to pack. 

Dermals are healing nicely despite some huge mofo bruises - ah well pain is fashion, or something like that.

PS: The picture is from the actual beach I was walking on, so if you can work it out... i'm impressed!
LFO - Summer Girls

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