Friday 13 August 2010

Shooting Stars

There was a meteore shower last night, I bet there were thousands of wishes flying into the sky, people asking for a miracle and others hoping for something special.  And me? Well I missed it.

Friday the 13th, brought in with a rush of the fantastic,  fireworks in the sky and a new day breaking dawn tainted with superstision.  Yep, mother nature and I seem to have a lot in common.

I've come to the conclusion this past few weeks that I've not really helped myself in coming to a crashing halt in my 28th year, in fact, I would say I'm surprised it didn't arrive sooner. 

From the age of 17 to about 25 I think I lived an entire lifetime at an accelerated pace.  moving house, moving job, chasing a career, falling down, getting up, people dying, people being born, first dates, romance, falling in love, falling out of love, falling in love again.  Its been an emotional rollercoaster with some awesome highs and some debilitating lows so I shouldn't be surprised that it eventually caught up with me and I somehow ended up stuck in one moment in time, frozen.

Someone famous whose name eludes me right now once said in order to move forward in life, first you must look back.  I used to think that was a whole heap of psychobabble but of late I'm beginning to realise it makes perfect sense.  This last few months of blogging I've talked about how i've changed and need to go back to how I used to be when really what I need to be concentrating on is how to move forward and become who I want to be.

What would you wish for if you had one chance?

B.O.B (feat Hayley Williams) - Airplanes

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