Thursday 19 August 2010

Impulsive Behaviour

I definately have something im my blood that drives me to toy with an idea or like the concept of something and then for no apparent reason just snap and make a rash unplanned decision to just go with it. 

I mean this year I chopped of all my hair at a moment's thought when I had been trying to grow it.  Got a tattoo and although I had toyed with the idea before pretty much threw together what I would get in what size and where in a couple of days and today?  Well today i've woken up and have simply and suddenly decided that because I've been paid £80 for a job I wasn't expecting I should head into the piercing studio in town and get microdermals.

I mean I saw someone with really great ones a week ago and asked where she had them done as I think they can be quite cute but other than that the thought hasn't really crossed my mind before and yet here I am not 30seconds off the phone from the studio to find out the price for two on my collar bone (why there - no idea, total impulse) and if I needed to make an appointment or could I just drop in later this afternoon.

I mean, I know its impulsive and not thought out and I try to reason with myself but the fact of the matter is that I've never been unhappy with the end result so have no reason to start doubting my impulsiveness now.  I'm picking my mum up from the station in a little over an hour... I'll let you know if I make it back to the flat without a slight detour.

Four Year Strong - Story of a Girl

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