Friday 27 August 2010

Recurring Themes

I'm not sure I told you this but Six went for weight loss surgery last week, she had been thinking about it for a while and decided to just bite the bullet.  Anyway, she was in hospital for a few days and then a hotel as she was too sore/unwell to drive back the 400miles.  She arrived back the day before yesterday and went to see her bf last night who declaired that 'he loved her, but could never see himself wanting to commit any more than they already were'  in other words... they split up!  So today i'm on official friend duty.

So you see bloggers, the day of the week, the time of the year and the ages, sizes, names, sex of the people involved might change but the theme still remains: People fall in and out of love and depending who you are you either crumble or dust yourself off and get back up.  I hope Six is one of the dust yourself off kinda people.

When I headed downstairs last night my flatmate had gone and the remaining 4 items I had in the cupboard where sat in the hallway and a note left on the coffee table along the lines of 'reorganising things and need to get in and out of 'my' cupboard so can you find somewhere else for these things' It appears on further examination that she may be packing to move out :)

The cupboard in the living room I gave her is empty and the cuboard is chocca block.  I would normally complain as I've nowhere for any of my things and to be honest the way it is packed is a total hazard as you can't get into the water or gas pipes/meters and things are wedged against them.  However, if this means she is moving I'm gonna let it slide... wonder when she is going to tell me that is her plan tho?  To write her an email (I'd call but she is at work and I need to focus on Six today) or to just let it slide and see how long it takes her chicken shit ass to tell me that bf is no longer willing to pay 2 rents and so she is having to move in with him to what will either become wedded bliss or the ultimate downfall of her sorry ass when the split up as she has lost even the facade of independance now.

Hmmm decisions, decisions.

I think I'm going to try and head out a little more this next month as I should have the cash and just see what happens.  I don't think i'm in the space to date anyone still but who knows... when I least expect it and all that jazz.

Mr S had been in touch a lot lately, popping over, texting, emailing etc.  All super witty and chatty which is nice but I need to remember all the lies being friends with Mr S entails and not fall into the same trap where I get hurt.  I'm too soft!

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Impression that I Get

Thursday 26 August 2010

This is War

I was discharged from court early today due to the trial not being ready and having developed a stonking (yes stonking) cold over the last few days I decided to hit the hay for a few hours after drinking a good quantity of beechams all in one (a gift from Mr S yesterday) through a straw.

Anyway as I was waking up from my sombre I heard the familiar banging of doors downstairs = flatmate home!  Anyhoo as my door was shut she presumed I wasn't home and she was in the upper half of the flat snooping about... MY half of the flat.  With a crap load of space downstairs primarily for her use (yesss the cupboard), there is no reason for her to be upstairs at all and the only items up here are mine.  If I find anything missing I'll be officially going to war! 

Speaking of jury duty, I've been chatting quite a lot to a middle aged woman and a guy the last few days as its involved a lot of waiting around and today the guy asked me out.  I won't give him a name but will say he is tall, dark, great looking and has pearly white teeth so whats the catch?  Alas... when I asked his age expecting a 22/23 he said '19, nearly 20' so I said thanks but no thanks.
What is it with me?  I am like a magnet to young blood!
Edwin Starr - War

Wednesday 25 August 2010


Going back where I grew up for a few days was fantastic.  I didn't realise how much I missed the beach and the sand and the sunshine until I got there and went for a stroll in the sun.  I'm definately going to have to make sure it isn't another 8yrs before I head back.

I met up with a few people from school which was great, was offered a few kisses but didn't take any up, caught a bit of a sun tan, caught up with mum and met up with Herb which was great.

Jury Duty is on just now and i'm full of the cold so will keep this brief until everything is over as might be sequestered tomorrow and still need to pack. 

Dermals are healing nicely despite some huge mofo bruises - ah well pain is fashion, or something like that.

PS: The picture is from the actual beach I was walking on, so if you can work it out... i'm impressed!
LFO - Summer Girls

Thursday 19 August 2010

... Got the T-Shirt

Check, Check and Check

I'll see you in a few days to let you know how my trip went.

Impulsive Behaviour

I definately have something im my blood that drives me to toy with an idea or like the concept of something and then for no apparent reason just snap and make a rash unplanned decision to just go with it. 

I mean this year I chopped of all my hair at a moment's thought when I had been trying to grow it.  Got a tattoo and although I had toyed with the idea before pretty much threw together what I would get in what size and where in a couple of days and today?  Well today i've woken up and have simply and suddenly decided that because I've been paid £80 for a job I wasn't expecting I should head into the piercing studio in town and get microdermals.

I mean I saw someone with really great ones a week ago and asked where she had them done as I think they can be quite cute but other than that the thought hasn't really crossed my mind before and yet here I am not 30seconds off the phone from the studio to find out the price for two on my collar bone (why there - no idea, total impulse) and if I needed to make an appointment or could I just drop in later this afternoon.

I mean, I know its impulsive and not thought out and I try to reason with myself but the fact of the matter is that I've never been unhappy with the end result so have no reason to start doubting my impulsiveness now.  I'm picking my mum up from the station in a little over an hour... I'll let you know if I make it back to the flat without a slight detour.

Four Year Strong - Story of a Girl

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Everything & A Moment in Time

I'm just in from drinks with some People in town and I think it's time I told you why and how I ended up dating Mr S when all I set out for was another serial date.

When I first met Mr S he was 20mins late for our date... When he did turn up he took me to a bar that was covered in fairy lights (to this day i'm still unsure if he walked past me and then came back).  The plan had been to meet, go for a drink and then head to the cinema.  It never happened.  We started talking, the conversation flowed and we ended up talking our way to midnight when the bar closed when he drove me home.

I heard from Mr S the next day and we decided to meet for a second date.  We arranged to meet the following weekend and on the Sat morning I got a call first thing (8amish) asking me to get dressed and be ready to go in less than 30mins as he was about to pick me up.  On our first date I had made clear I was into the sporadic and Mr S had decided the way to win me over would be to do this so had planned an adventure.  When he turned up I got into his car and we set off on a 2hr car journey (where his car had interestingly been programmed to play all my fave tunes). 

When the car stopped we had arrived at a outdoor activity centre where Mr S had organised a day for us to do: clay pigeon shooting, archery, target shooting and golf driving.  We had a great day and giggled the whole time.  I remember thinking that as he had something planned for the day I would bid on ebay for local tickets to the turning on of the christmas lights in case the date went well and we wanted it to continue.  I didn't win the tickets and it turned out several weeks later when the conversation arose that the person I lost out to was Mr S as we had been bidding against each other.  We never made it to the turning on of the lights as had our first kiss which sent fireworks flying and we spent the rest of the night kissing and talking and kissing some more wanting nothing more and nothing less than each other.

I had been well and truly swept off my feet.  He was interesting, spontaneous, fun, and funny not to mention hot and had a really strange and exciting feeling that I had met someone that would change my life forever.
After only a few weeks together Mr S played me the following song and said it reminded him of me.  As time went on I thought it might be the song that someday I would walk down the aisle to greet him with. 

He blew me away, stole my heart and despite everything that has happened since I will never forget him.

Our Song:  Lifehouse - Everything

The Rock Show

I'm living with a total spakker, I won't bore you with the details but it is clear I have allowed a 32yr old who is going on 9 to move in!  The key is how to get her to move out... and next time... I'm only living with a guy!

Blink was a total disappointment last night, not because of the vast amounts of teeny boppers around, or the cheeziness of the band, rather the fact that despite all my childhood memories and love of the band they failed to get the place jumping.  Had it not been for Travis barker nailing every song and pimping a drum solo during the encore while being spun around and upside down by a hydrolic stage I wouldn't have had any pinacle moment.  I love when you go to a gig and have that one moment where everything consumes you and you get a massive feel good feeling like nothing in the world could stop you right now and Blink... well Blink let me down!  It was good to catch up with Balloo tho and he is looking pretty good these days now he is getting himself back into shape - good on him!

Speaking of Blink, it appears Mr DeLongue (not the real one, but rather the one I work with) has updated his facebook to say he is dating the girl Six thought was a lesbian.  I know they have been friends for years so maybe its just a 'fun' thing, either way I think I'm over him and now need a new shiny object (aka a hot guy) to look at.

Today is going to be no fun at all.  I need to pack, get on top of cleaning my room which despite the rest of the flat being fine is a bit of a mess.  Go to work early so I can do everything I need to do before going on AL and then jury duty for who knows how long and then its hello pub quiz (ok well that part is alright).

Oh and did I mention I'm going to th pub with one of the managers in the call centre that keeps asking me out for a drink... Yep, here we go again!

One of their best songs/music videos:  Blink 182 - The Rock Show

Tuesday 17 August 2010


Despite my newly found best efforts it appears we are destined to be parted bloggerinos as apparently I need to dig out my 'smart' clothes and attend jury duty. 

I spoke with Mr S last night as I had to ask him to look after the kitty cats while I am away, it was suuuuper awkward after the whole thing a few weeks ago (which no, i'm still not sharing with you).  When I got back to the flat I screamed as my flatmate spoke and I didn't expect her to be in and what did I get in return?  A sarcastic smile as she headed to lock herself in her smelly room for the night.

A few of the guys in my team are fasting for Ramadan at the moment which has lead to a few comedy moments as I'm trying to eat little and often in order to lose a few pounds for derby training at the end of the month.  Don't get me wrong the things I'm eating at my desk are far from exciting - dried fruit etc. but the guys could sniff out a 10day old piece of toast at the moment.  I think I will have to bring them in something scrummy for eid.

Heading to the blink182 gig tonight - mega blast from the past and its going to be awesome!

The O.C. Supertones - Jury Duty

Monday 16 August 2010

Derby Days

I headed out for the first time in my derby boots last night with a girl from work who found me on the next intake list for the team.  We've been hanging out a lot of late, i'm not sure I've told you about her... I'll need to check but if not her name will be 'six' as she talks a heap just like the character from Blossom.

Anyway Six has decided that being part of the team will be too hard and take too much of a tole on her body so although she will still join at the same intake time she is going to go down the ref route rather than hitting the team.  I on the other hand have my sights firmly set on the position of jammer.

Six was really uncertain on her feet and i'm not sure what it is inside me but I can be super scared or super nervous about something but when other people show concerns I seem to step up, put any worries in a deep dark place in my head and lead the way.  I was petrified on my skates last night after falling on my ass several times just adjusting the wheels in my flat a few days before (i'm covered in bruises) but I just got on with it yesterday and well... It appears I have skills!!  I think by the end of the 3mth induction which starts at the end of this month I might be a speed demon to be recconed with.

I need to pick a name and a number as part of the roller derby way of life and while I have no Idea of the number as yet I've two names for my alter ego ready to go (providing no-one else in a league has them registered), and while I'm not going to tell you who I am... As we have been together over 6months now my lil bloggerino's I think I owe you a bone. 
The Ettes - Crown of Age

Saturday 14 August 2010

Moan & Groan

Hot and steamy sex is the only thing on my mind today. 

Sex, the underlying topic of all conversations, the true factor that makes the world go around.  Money, Power Sex - I think not!  Sex, Power, Money is the order of the world and this little 21st century girl is currently not getting her fair share.

Times have a'changed since the 30's and 40's when it was a duty of wedlock to satisfy your man... Oh yes, women with a sex drive are well and truly out the closet. No longer the seedy back street porn stars, say hello to hollywood and characters like the scandalous Samantha from sex in the city.  

And among those is none other than this blogger.  I've definately surfed the waves of sexual gratification and eperimentation in the past and now?  Now I'm ready for seconds.
Melanie Fiona - Give It To Me

Friday 13 August 2010

Shooting Stars

There was a meteore shower last night, I bet there were thousands of wishes flying into the sky, people asking for a miracle and others hoping for something special.  And me? Well I missed it.

Friday the 13th, brought in with a rush of the fantastic,  fireworks in the sky and a new day breaking dawn tainted with superstision.  Yep, mother nature and I seem to have a lot in common.

I've come to the conclusion this past few weeks that I've not really helped myself in coming to a crashing halt in my 28th year, in fact, I would say I'm surprised it didn't arrive sooner. 

From the age of 17 to about 25 I think I lived an entire lifetime at an accelerated pace.  moving house, moving job, chasing a career, falling down, getting up, people dying, people being born, first dates, romance, falling in love, falling out of love, falling in love again.  Its been an emotional rollercoaster with some awesome highs and some debilitating lows so I shouldn't be surprised that it eventually caught up with me and I somehow ended up stuck in one moment in time, frozen.

Someone famous whose name eludes me right now once said in order to move forward in life, first you must look back.  I used to think that was a whole heap of psychobabble but of late I'm beginning to realise it makes perfect sense.  This last few months of blogging I've talked about how i've changed and need to go back to how I used to be when really what I need to be concentrating on is how to move forward and become who I want to be.

What would you wish for if you had one chance?

B.O.B (feat Hayley Williams) - Airplanes

Wednesday 11 August 2010


I know it would be childish... but there is something inside me that would get great satisfaction in pranking my flatmate.

I'm talking hair removal cream in her shampoo, toothbrush down the toilet, cress seeds in her floor rug, washing powder in her bed, a raw fish hidden in the devan lining of her bed.  Oh yes!  She has seriously pissed me off and now all I want to do is revert to the payback of a 10yr old child.

I'm not going there... but boy do I want to!

Daphne and Celeste - Oooh Stick You

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Eye of the Storm

I know... I know... I've not kept to my blog promise of late and 'a year in the life of' has been on the sidelines this last few months :(

The truth be told I've kind of been coasting along trying to get a grip of a few things.  Let me see if I can get you up to date super fast..!

Mr S lied to me again, this time over something there was no point in lying over.  I can't really tell you what it was as it is personal to him and as I've said before this is my blog so I don't want to 'out' other peoples lives/secrets.  Needless to say however it was the last straw and I officially laid my cards out - I don't need someone in my life who is going to lie, someone who is going to over react to every situation and someone who is incapable of realising when they are in the wrong.  I mean, we all make mistakes, no-one is perfect but there does come a time when you have to stick your hands in the air and say 'oops' and quite frankly I don't have time for anyone in my life who is incapable of doing that.  Anyway we are on plesant terms these days other than that no, I wouldn't say we are friends anymore.

My flatmate is doing my head in!  She is either here with her boyfriend taking over the entire kitchen with bad cooking and irratic and slightly manic laughing or she isn't here at all but fails to let me know.  I'm talking weeks here - I mean if you leave the flat for a week would it kill you to let the people you live with know...? I think not!  Especially as our neighbours have gone slightly off the boil again and it seems add alcohol into the mix and they are banging on doors and screaming abuse so to be able to lock myself in nice and secure would be nice but NO.... apparently that is too much trouble.  In short... it appears I am living with a 32yr old who is going on 16 and lets just say if her relationship with her bf crashes down around her ankles anytime soon she won't know what to do with herself and I most certainly won't be lending a shoulder or an ear. In fact, the only body part I may offer her is my middle finger shortly followed by my index.

Work is all over the place but i'll not bore you with the details.  I was away at a training course last week and so only made it into the office one day - DeLongue was at my desk asking where I had been.  He is on AL the next few weeks so I won't be seeing much of him but no - I've still no idea what is going on there so I think i'm just going to put him down as 'something pretty to look at', work eye candy of the 21st century.

I think you are caught up now so I'll blog tomorrow and tell you about a few nights out i've had.

Head Automica - Bleeding Heart Baby

Monday 2 August 2010


My head has felt like it is going to explode this last little while with 101 things going on and so I've not had any time to blog my lil bloggers.  I'm heading down south on a training course this afternoon for a few days, after that I shall be back and lets see if we can't mix things up a little with a few more adventures :p       
“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.”  Albert Einstein
Tricks and Tips