Thursday 31 December 2015

Six years of Ser3ndipity

I bailed on my plans this evening.  I had been smiling and looking forward to drinks,  friends and hugs from strangers to bring in the new year a few days ago,  but this morning something somehow felt... Different.

I've spent most of my evening thinking over the year,  how it hasn't ended the way I had hoped,  or gone the way I expected; and yet despite it all, all the stresses and worries and heartache I can't help but look back on 2015 and feel like I've come a long way.  On paper I'm the same,  same job,  same relationship status,  same bank account,  but in my heart and my soul,  something has twisted a little.  A small change.

I'm finishing the year single but it was my decision to bring it in alone.  My decision to try and look back at the beauty of the newly formed cracks in my soul,  because each and every one of them was a moment in time when I let myself believe in magic. When I didn't let the failures of the past stop me from taking a risk for the future.  I have to be proud of myself for that.

Happy New Year bloggers x

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