Tuesday 29 December 2015


Gathering myself together like a box of twigs.  Things feel really open at the moment,  I can't quite work out what has changed,  why I'm feeling different,  but it definitely isn't a bad thing.  I just need to try and stay in this place.

In two days I'll have been blogging for six years...  Wow

When I lose myself I need to remember where home is.  Home is the beach,  the water,  swimming,  and music.  It always has been.  It always will be.  When I'm there nothing mends,  nothing fixes,  but nothing is broken.   Everything is just calm and still.  My bubble.  My new apartment definitely feels like part of that these days.  My own things,  nothing of anyone else's.  A Ser3ndipity space.

I can't link you the song for this posting as it doesn't seem to be on YouTube for some reason,  so you'll need to click on Spotify or go hunting today...

The Beach - Home
Spotify link


  1. Will we be seeing any last chance saloon romance for you and Miles before the New Year? I'm routing for you guys!!! Six years is indeed a long time and from where I'm standing (the coffee machine at work as usual) you're the right side of 40 for fairytale endings to truly exist. Here's hoping for giant romantic gestures before midnight tomorrow, and if not- I hope 2016 brings you love. Happiness, and everything you want. XxXO

    1. I would be the happiest girl in the world if a giant romantic gesture came my way (where he lives happens to have some interesting cctv which I always thought had potential); however it's been a while since I was there now, and while I can think of nothing in this whole world I would love more, I think it if was going to happen it would have by now...
      Your message made this lil chick smile though :) I hope you're right about fairytale endings.
      Have a fabulous 2016 mystery reader x


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