Wednesday 27 February 2013

Cherry Twist

Well this last few days have seen me rejected from six jobs before the interview stage, reach rock bottom in terms of my bank account, lose 4kg in weight in a bitter sweet victory that sees all my clothes fit a little different and has seen me receive at least 60+ texts and emails from Balloo with jokes about dating ginger men and having ginger babies that seems somewhat spattered with jealousy despite his protests.

There's nothing I can do about the job front, I just need to keep on it and at some point soon someone will see my potential and I will be laughing.  Clothing wise I think it might be time to dig out the sewing machine and go all old-school Ser3ndipity when I used to rebrand and reinvent the items in my wardrobe and as for Balloo... If/when he decides to stop living in denial, we can maybe have an adult conversation about his feelings, in the mean time he has been told to climb back into his box.

On another note, things with Cherry have taken an interesting twist.  He got a new phone and so having downloaded Whattsapp we ended up having a chat that took an unexpected turn and got a little (ok, a lot!) heated.  For a guy who my his own admission talks himself out of 'making a move', if his words are anything to go by, he is someone with hidden talents.  I'm not a huge fan of sexting if the truth be told, don't get me wrong I have been known to enjoy cliterature, but texting back and forth about what you want to do to someone with the aim of 'getting off' isn't really something that has ever really taken on great appeal; I mean, its typing and how turned on can you really get? 

If there had been an imaginary line, we had somehow managed to stumble upon it and once there, well, it would have been rude to stop right?  Lets just say the use of audio notes was incorporated while I was away with work this week and I somehow get the feeling he might not be so sure to 'make a move' and grab me for a real kiss the next time we meet.  

As for the line... I'm pretty certain we both enjoyed the potential sneak preview but I shall be on my best behaviour from now on. . . Promise :p

All Saints - Booty Call

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