Monday 25 February 2013

Stand Up's, Valentines & Va Va Voom

Things have been crazy all over again since the last blog but boy has it made for some juicy blogging material - lucky you!

I've been completely embracing the world of Internet dating, messaging, occasionally exchanging a number for a phone call and most definitely... dating.  And let me tell you bloggers, shark infested custard is not a harsh enough term - It is chaos out here!  Let me give you a few highlights...

Perfect on paper
This guy couldn't have lived up to his name any more if he tried.  The night we were set to meet had him working late and me fending off a disaster of my own in the form of a man on the bus throwing an entire cup of soup over me by accident on my way to the date.  I hot footed it home and headed back in only to be met with another 'I'm running late text'.  As someone who completely understands how this can happen when you are juggling 101 things at any given time, I told him not to worry and that I would grab a drink and he could meet me inside the bar.  

Twenty minutes later Saturday night was in full swing and I couldn't have felt any more awkward if I tried.  The lights went down, the DJ tunes went up, groups of people were all around, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that I might have been stood up.  I waited another five, finished my wine and sent a text saying something along the lines of 'not sure what happened to you but I am leaving now.  Good luck with the Internet dating thing'.  Just as I was stepping onto the night bus home I received a response saying he had walked in, had spotted someone he thought was me (it was), but that she had been on her phone so as it was crowded he didn't want to tap her (me) on the shoulder, so had headed to a quieter bar next door and was sat in the corner if I wanted to go and meet him.  Needless to say I called him on not being a gentleman and despite his later texts didn't reply.  His digits were deleted - nothing should be that much like hard work. Dating 1 - 0 Ser3ndipity.   On the plus side, I think I handled the entire situation eloquently and in doing so have managed to tick an item off my bucket list - 'Head to a bar solo for a drink',  Life 0 - 1 Ser3ndipity.

Tall Social worker, American football boy, Rugby coach, Professional musician, Chemistry teacher and mature student have been among the others that have hit the radar although none of which were able to keep me interested enough for OR past a first date.  Events co-ordinator, Accountant and Navy guy were among those that felt the same about me.  

Then there is Beanie, a working musician with the confidence of a lion, and the ability to make even the most polite phrase sound like something you wouldn't tell your mum about.  The same age as me, definitely only on the site for fun and the rugged looks of the Barry McKenna of Twin Atlantic thrown in for good measure.  We are meeting in a week or so.  I'm not sure where it will go or what I want as I thought the days of the FB were behind me, but a 21st Century single girl shouldn't rule anything out... Right?

And that bloggers brings us around to Cherry...

Cherry is 28, trained as a forensic scientist and due to redundancy and bad timing is currently working in the lab of a distillery.  Looks wise, while he is tall, he is miles away from the type of person I usually date; he is towards the lean side of average despite being rather athletic (he plays football 3 times a week - again, not my idea of a decent sport), he has goofy looking ears that stick out a little at the side, there's something unusual about his eyes although I can't quite put my finger on it, and to top it off, he is ginger and we aren't talking auburn or strawberry blonde, I mean fully blown ginger.  Personality wise he seems a little shy and seems to have the same group of friends he had in high school with a few additions, however in the same respect he is a total oxymoron and travelled around America a couple of years ago on a whim staying with people he met along the way.  He also seemed completely at ease in meeting me (apparently the first person he has asked on a date from the Internet) and from a few of his stories, despite telling me he can be quite a quiet guy, appears to be someone naturally sociable. There is definitely something about him.

The first time we were supposed to meet I dislocated my shoulder (yes again!) and so had to rain check, we met the following week a couple of days after my stand up by Perfect on paper.  It was really easy first date, there were no awkward silences, we seemed to find a lot of common ground, and a similar sense of humour.  He was a total gentlemen, opening doors, pulling out chairs and manoeuvring me to the inside of the pavement so he could "make sure I was safe if a car swerved".  We met relatively close to my apartment so after the date he walked me home and called for a taxi as we got to my street.  Everything was perfect for a goodnight kiss - the sky was clear and dark, the street was quiet, the lights from the houses made our eyes sparkle and just as I was sure he was going to make his move... A car pulled up with around 12 people inside.  It wasn't meant to be.  As his taxi arrived he asked if he could give me a kiss 'Just a little one' to which I obliged.  I later found out he was just about to pull me into him by my scarf as the car had pulled up.

We met again a couple of days ago, this time for a trip to the museum.  Again we had a really nice time although for some reason rather than the excited butterflies feeling I had been hoping for, I was starting to feel Cherry maybe wasn't the guy for me and so when we took a wrong turn and ended up in an exhibit area with no lights on and he still didn't make a move to grab my hand or go in for a kiss, I was pretty sure he was thinking the same.  A couple of drinks at a bar afterwards saw us play a game of pool and just as I was starting to think it had been nice but not worth repeating, his hands on my waist as he stood behind me to 'help' seemed to tell me there might be more to him than meets the eye.  We seemed to go into 'flirt mode' from there and so when the walk to the road where he would go left and I would go right saw a bus pull up and about 20 people standing around staring, we were left to end the date with yet again another mini kiss.  Needless to say I was left feeling somewhat deflated and a little confused about where I wanted to go from here.

Do I like hanging out with this guy and flirting a little, or do I LIKE this guy?  Talk about the importance of a kiss... x

Parachute - Kiss Me Slowly

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