Wednesday 11 January 2012

*sniff *cough *splutter

Uuuuuurggghhhhhh I feel dreadful.

You know when you wake up in the morning and you have those few seconds where you kind of wiggle and check your body is in full working order before you start to think about your day?  Well I woke up this morning and within that brief moment in time the words 'ahhhh crap' flew through my mind.

I thought I had hit the hump with my cold a few days ago, but as I work in a really populated place with air-con, needless to say I must have picked up some new germy germs earlier in the week that have since somehow mixed and left my body in a murky mess.

I can't think of anything I would rather do today than eat some hot stodgy food and hide out on my couch, unfortunately I have work.  In normal circumstances I would probably start rescheduling my diary for the rest of the week, giving myself some low-key time to recoup, a spot of admin, report updating, clearing off emails etc.  Alas, the next two days are full of back to back meetings.  

It is APR week for my team and as I prefer to work full-throttle when it comes to appraisals/reviews rather than spread them out over the course of the month, the admin assistant has booked me one after another, after another for the next two days with a mere 30min break each day to take a breath.  Normally I would be pleased, one week and a whole heap of actions completed; this time, not so much.

I want layers, lots and lots of clothing layers, fingerless gloves, a hat, a scarf (definitely a scarf), a blanket, an unlimited supply of hot drinks, home made carb loaded food and a selection of movies to fall asleep to.  I definitely don't want hour after hour of meetings, stats analysis, difficult conversations and expectation setting.  

Oh well, in the words of the Rolling Stones... 'You can't always get what you want'

Rizzle Kicks - Mamma Do The Hump


  1. Hope you're on the mend soon! It's a horrible thing to have to sit through meetings when you're not feeling up to it. I did it before Christmas, so I can relate. Keep on keeping on.R


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