Friday 13 January 2012

Can't Talk Now

It appears my easy to organise full-on weekend plans will all fall by the way side as my cold has officially peaked and I have no voice.  And no, I'm not laying it on thick saying I have no voice when I really have a croaky quieter version (that has come and gone).  I woke up this morning and there is literally no coherent sound coming out of my voice, only a series of bizzare and stinted noises.

I'm still hopeful that things will get better overnight and if I don't use my voice at all today, so I've only cancelled tonight's plans so far and am hoping I will be able to make tomorrow.

The saving grace is that I am on one of my scheduled days off today so I can live it up on the couch, wearing a heap of layers, under a blanket, watching movies.  I might even go one step further and order takeout for dinner so I don't have to cook.

Think I'lll do a topical blog either later this evening or tomorrow so let me know which subjects you fancy deliberating and I will run with one of them.

Copeland - The Day I Lost My Voice (suitcase song)


  1. 101 things to do on a rainy day?
    top 10 men/women
    best/worst sex
    or you could just post a photo

  2. love your blogs about weight loss so more of that

  3. Hahaha a few gems there... keep them coming :)


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