Saturday 7 January 2012

1, 2, 5...9... eek!

It may make your teeth purple and your lips black but when you can't be assed to walk to the fridge to fill your glass up a drink best served at room temperature is your best friend :)

Would you rather walk backwards the rest of your life or stump your toe every time you took a step forward?

Would you rather be completely bald (no eyebrows, no hair, no eyelashes) or have blue skin?

I could contemplate 101 things but the only subject on my mind this evening is one of numbers.  I just watched the film 'what's your number?' and let me tell you...  If the average person sleeps with 10.5 people in their lifetime... I am seriously oversubscribed!  Also, apparently any female who has slept with over 20 people is destined to be single forever... well 97% anyway.  Sheesh!

Which brought me to my task for the evening (bottle of red in hand), to make my 'list'.  How many people have I slept with anyway, and will I be joining the 97th percentile?

The good news is that I have yet to reach the dizzy heights of 20.  The not so good new is that 10.5 passed long ago and making my list was waaaaaaaaay harder than expected.  I can't remember the name of one guy entirely, have forgotten the surname of several and to be honest feel I may have missed a few along the way.  Oh dear!

For those of you who have been following me a while you will know that I don't really qualify to fall into the category of 'slut' but seriously... who knew I would make it to the 'trollop' grey area.


This week no less than 2 men have told me that I would make a 'great girlfriend', both of which are in relationships... think I have hit that horrible land of almost 30 and single desperados.  Oh dear.

So my number... its 15.

What's yours?

Benjamin Taylor - Wicked Way

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