Tuesday 3 January 2012

Grab Your Coat...

I was talking to a guy in work today and I'm not sure how the subject came up amid reports and stats analysis but we got onto the topic of 'chat-up lines'.  He seemed to think they were all a total waste of time, I on the other hand stood firmly on the angle that even the most hideous chat-up line can be successful if delivered by a hot enough guy with a little charm and a sarcastic smile.

To be honest I used to hate all chat-up lines but a few years ago even I had to take my imaginary hat off to the intelligence of one delivered to me a few years ago.  I was in a crowded bar on a Friday night after work and was approached by a guy who was attractive but clearly fell into the category of 'charmer' and as such would have ordinarily made it onto my 'avoid' list.  As he made his way beside me through the crowd at the bar I knew he had clocked me and was about to make his move so had my brush off ready to go but his well worded introduction came from left field...

'Listen would... You know what, never mind.  I was going to offer to buy you a drink and ask your name, but I can tell that you and I would never work'
(delivered with a cheeky smile) 
'erm... ok'
(ohhhh good because now I want to ask why)

Before I knew it, he and his friend had joined our table and we were sharing a bottle of wine.

So in the spirit of all things chat-up line related I thought I would google those listed as 'Top 10' and tell you what I think.

  1. "I just thought you should know that you have a really nice...."
    If the guy is attractive I am sure this one would work but I'm not a fan, it is too schmoozy
  2. "Wow! I really like that (insert item of clothing or fragrance) you're wearing."
    WAY too obvious
  3. "Would you like an escort to your... ?"
    Run! Run away and never look back.  This reeks of dare I say it... date-rape
  4. "You look like you might be interested in some great conversation."
    This would instantly convince me the guy was up his own ass and likes to play the numbers game.
  5. "Don't you find this place...?"
    I think it would be very difficult to find an ending to this sentence that didn't sound either overly enthusiastic or pompous
  6. "Excuse me, can you help me with...?" 
    A very mediocre line if you are trying to come in on the charm offencive.
  7. "Do you come here often? I could use your opinion about something.... "
    Simply awful.
  8. "Can I interest you in a glass of... ?"
    Talk about uncreative and seriously... This is dangerous territory for a man to use unless he wants to open himself up to being a human cash-point for the night.
  9. "Would you like to dance?"
    I actually really like this one.  Most girls/women I know love to dance and its a very retro yet fun introduction.
  10. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
    No, it isn't but if you think I'm going to give you my attention after you sit down, you have another thing coming.

What do you think bloggers... do you have any fave's?

The Rolling Stones - Beast of Burden


  1. " I'm not a gynacologist but i'll take a look anyway.... "



  2. Although awful and I would probably just run in the other direction JJ


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