Thursday 26 January 2012


I feel like I'm beginning to look like Christian Bale in the machinist (minus the super skinny body).  I haven't had a decent nights sleep in about a month, I come home from work late in the evening, try to chill out, go to bed and then just lay there... wide awake!

I bought an eye mask online to assist with the blackout factor and I don't really get noise from the road or other apartments in my block in my bedroom so why oh why can't I sleep.

I've tried: relaxing music, reading, complete sound and light deprivation, early mornings, timetabled bed times, hot baths, TV avoidance and, clean sheets, heavy blankets, light blankets, pyjamas, nudity, turning the heating up, turning the heating down, opening a window, deep breathing, turning my mattress, milky drinks (yuck), avoiding caffeine, food deprivation, counting sheep, exercise and even getting drunk (which actually got me to sleep no problem but didn't help as I woke up feeling like death).

Of Mice And Men - When You Can't Sleep At Night

1 comment:

  1. So it's 3:33am and you've guessed it... Wide awake. The worst part is I'm absolutely shattered and yawning like a mad person.


    I need to find a solution... A non medicated one.


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