Wednesday 4 January 2012


Last night I was struggling to get to sleep as my shoulder was being gnarly and so I was messing about on my phone and decided to clear my 'chat history' on whattsapp and in my messages.  A simple task I hear you say... Wrong!

I had a huge debate with myself when I had deleted all the messages from Mr X about whether to block him also.  We haven't spoken since September (I'm not going to go on about that though), but there is still a little part of me that despite not calling, emailing or texting him doesn't want to completely cut off all lines of communication.  

Anyway, after some thought, I decided I would block him as if he really needed to get hold of me he could call.  I started adding his numbers to the block list and then the unthinkable happened.   My shoulder went into some kind of mad spasm making me drop my phone and as I picked it up I realised it was dialling his number (4am his time).  I clicked 'end call' as soon as I realised but was convinced I had heard it ring before I got to it.  After a few icy cold moments of panic I decided not to worry about it and that I was probably just being paranoid and the phone hadn't actually managed to make a connection, after all, it would have been an International call and the phone couldn't have been out of my hand more than a couple of seconds... Wrong!

This morning I awoke to a text from Mr X wishing me a Happy belated New Year, asking if I was ok as he had missed a call from me while he was sleeping... SHIT!

I wasn't sure whether to text back, ignore the message, be nice and pretend like everything was ok explain the situation and wish him happy new year too or to send a snotty reply along the lines of 'why do you give a shit, go back to being invisible'.  Don't get me wrong, I am sure like many of you reading this, in the past (and I'm not proud of it) have played the  dropped call game.  This however, was a genuine and most irritating mistake.

I decided to opt for the short and simple response of 'I dropped my phone, sorry if it woke you.  Serendipity'  

I'm not sure it was the right msg to send.  I mean, he had received a dropped call from me at some crazy ass time in the morning and had text to see how I was as soon as he got up.  He had tried to be pleasant with the whole Happy New Year thing, but who are we kidding, that was more of a 'felt it mandatory' than anything else or he would have text on the 1st.  Still,  I am really annoyed at the whole situation and to be honest found it worryingly upsetting and I'm sure I will despite my best efforts end up deliberating my response for a while yet.

Damn my sodding female hormones and inability to just not give a shit.

Frou Frou - Let Go

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