Monday 30 May 2011

Ouch & Relax... Well, kind of.

I am officially out of my old flat and have nothing else left to do.  My new flat however looks like a bomb has hit it, boxes everywhere and no sodding space for all my things.  Don't get me wrong bloggers, I am a girl who doesn't hoard possessions, my wardrobe is minimal and I don't really care for nick-knacks so for me not to have enough storage space is insane!  I think I may need to throw out more things...

I managed to dislocate my torn rotary cuff shoulder twice today and it is seriously narking right now.  I think I could empty a can of deep heat before I would feel any difference. OUUUUCHHHH!!

On the plus side, my new bath is much longer and wider than my old one and so I felt like a princess chilling out with my bubbles and my rubber ducky and despite it being a middle-aged drink I am currently sat drinking a baileys over ice while watching trash tv :)

Adele - Make You Feel My Love

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