Friday 13 May 2011

Hold out your Hand

Everybody goes through hard times and sometimes you just need people to give you a helping hand to get back up.

There's a certain honour that can be seen in the girl who works hard every day doing the best she can and keeps chasing the dream that one day something better will come along, never giving up.  Or the man who pulls a twelve hour day and comes home shattered and yet still manages to find the energy to play with his children.

Life for most of us is an uphill battle, its a rarity to find everything you are looking for with ease and normality that people have to push themselves to get through the bad times in search of the good.

I sometimes think I was put here to be a helping hand, I remind myself of the girl in the film Sweet November and to those who know me well, I am sure I do also.  Its a great way to be and if my path in life is to help others find their way then its a path I am proud to be walking.  I just hope that somewhere along the road there is someone ready to pick me up.

Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up

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