Tuesday 3 May 2011


I've been multitasking like a mofo this last week, hence the lack of blog so here's a super fast 'catchup' to get you up to date:

  • Training was interesting, there were several bizarre characters (the majority of which were from the MOD - take from that what you will), dinner on night one was enforced and conversation was contrived and difficult.  My hotel room was however not a room but a suite somehow so there was a little silver lining.  I passed and am booked onto the advanced negotiating course later this month.
  • I've seen Mr X quite a lot with him leaving but not overkill.  His last night in the UK is tomorrow so we are going to spend the evening together, grab some food and say our teary goodbyes on Thursday morning before he goes to the airport.
  • OOJ has been back in touch and is keen on 'chasing me' as he thinks we would be good together and doesn't want to give up on the idea yet.
  • A successful day in the park was organised followed by Kinnect (which is awesome) on Friday.  Six came along and declared that she is back with her idiot of an ex bf, despite her impending move back to the States - he is looking into how he can follow - anyone say 'greencard stalker'.
  • Walliams (my flatmate) is skating on thin ice with his party boy attitude and 101 people over to the flat making a mess theme of late.  I gave him a talking to on Saturday morning however and he seems to be trying to clean his act up (pun intended).
  • Herb (one of my best friends from way back) was in town for a hen weekend so we caught up on Sunday which was great.  We always laugh so much when we are together.
  • Exams are going, well they are going...
  • Work is endless
  • I fell over and broke my thumb and fractured my ulna, add that to my torn rotary cuff and my entire right arm is now out of action - fun times.
Yep I think that is pretty much it.  So I'll now take a breath and we will get back to normal tomorrow :)

Wakey Wakey - Almost Everything

1 comment:

  1. in a hotel room aswell.... lol.

    no wonder you didnt reply !?




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