Tuesday 17 May 2011

Full Throttle

I've been running on full throttle this last two weeks between exams and Uni deadlines, packing to move flat (did I mention that?), Union cases at work, Pay negotiations across site, my regular work workload and getting everything ready for today when a friend comes to look after the cats, they relocate to the new flat, I shoot off to a different city in the UK for a course and then further afield to see my family and sit my driving test.  Phew*

Last night at work was manic, and when I got in at 10pm, my evening involved packing and cleaning and despite being shattered beyond all belief.  And to top it off my pesky body clock knowing that I have a heap to do before I leave today and clearly in disagreement with my brain that getting up at 7am is plenty of time to get everything done if I rush, has had me lying on my bed awake for hours and has given me the crappiest night of sleep I have had in a while.  I've got that awful empty nervous feeling in my stomach like I've forgotten to do something important too :s

I have a heap to tell you bloggers and I also still need to write one of the blogs you guys demanded so I will try to do that from my hotel room this evening.  Come Thursday evening however my blogs may be somewhat shortened as mum doesn't have the Internet and 3G is terrible in her area.  Is it wrong that despite looking forward to seeing my family I'm already looking forward to getting back to my world, reality and a few days of solo relaxation and partying?

Billy Ocean - When The Going Gets Tough

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