Sunday 15 May 2011

Chasing Balloons

I don't get people who know what they want and don't do anything about it, especially the ones that are all talk and no action.

You know the people I'm talking about, bolshy, auditory, tell you what they would/could do but never actually get round to showing you that they are capable.  The guy or the girl who tells you about this really awesome thing they saw in a shop that they were going to get for you as you would love, love, LOVE it, and yet somehow turns up empty handed.  The person who bIgs up your birthday and how awesome they are going to make it and then fail to even show up.  The guy who says you take his breath away and then just turns and walks away.  Don't get me wrong, all the examples I have just giVen are somewhat materialistic and that isn't what I meant to do, but saying 'the dude who says he could run the office and yet doesn't apply for the job' somEhow isn't personal enough.

I'm an impulse girl, if I see something I want I don't over think it, I ether go for it or I don't, all this 'will I, won't I' stuff is just irritating.  Of course big decisions like moving house, changing career, deciding whether to have a baby or not falls INto a different and more complex category but the rest... it's child's play.
If you like a girl/guy, ask him/her out.  If it's valentines day and you like someone, send THEm a card.  If you hate your hair, cut it.  If you hate your job, look for a new one.  If you need a break, go away somewhere.  Alright, we might not all be able to jet off but life is what you make it and money or lack thereof is irrelevant.

I reMember hitting a slump with Mr X and so I tOok the £89 I had in my bank account and managed to pay for everything required for a 4 day trip away (inc petrol).  We juMped in the car and drove 2hrs to a sea-side town not that far away off-peak season, in a somEwhat broken down, faulty heating, but clean caravan, ate nothing but an on-toast selection, and as the highlight, headed to a craft shop where we splashed out £5 each to paiNt a cup and then 'dined out' on a bag of chips as we walked along the beach in the pouring rain.  It was exacTly what we needed. 

Similarly when in University I spent £15 and transformed the disabled bathroom in the halls into barbedos with the help of some B&Q sand, a little Bob Dylan on the CD player, some blown up (thankyou NHS) hospital gloves creatively made into octopus hanging from the shower curtain, a paddling pool filled with water from Argos and two carved out coconuts filled with the cheapest and most deadly alcohol the local supermarket had to offer.  It was my first 'holiday' with Clutz and still the most memorable, we had a great time.

Get off your asses people, stop complaining, stop thinking about what you don't have, what could have been or what might happen and start chasing balloons on impulse and jumping in puddles... Life is way too short!

Foo Fighters - Everlong

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