Wednesday 4 May 2011

3rd Time Lucky

Well today I hang out with Mr X for the last time and say goodbye as he leaves for his new life at the other side of the world tomorrow.  And what does a sensible person do to mark this occasion?  Tattoo number 2!

Yes that's right bloggers, I got up this morning and decided that a tattoo should mark the occasion so I now have a heart with 3 dots on my wrist.  I figure a dot for every significant relationship my life with have so a dot for Clutz, a dot for Mr X and a dot for the next guy who I reckon will be a keeper (when I find him that is).

I know, I know, a tattoo on my wrist isn't the most sensible, but its small(ish), its non-offencive and if needed I could accessorise to cover it up.

My Hormones are going mental at the moment.  I'm frisky as a bunny in spring and absolutely nothing I can do will make it go away, and i'm broody to boot.  If my head wasn't in control I'd be staring in my Own porn movie and popping out sprogs like there is no tomorrow at the moment, Its insane!! 

For those of you who are men and are reading this blog I would like to take this oppoRtunity to enlighten you into the ways of we women folk.  We love sex!  We might make you wait when we start dating but if you have to wait, then that only means you are someoNe we see as a 'keeper' and trust me when I say when we finally let you taste the forbidden fruit, we will blow your mind.  You might think about sex every 10seconds while we think of it only once an hour, but trust me when I say a flash image of gorgeous breasts will always come second to a 2min daydream where You are the cheese in a Channing Tatum and Katherine Moening sandwich.

2 Live Crew - Me So Horny


  1. photo & a cold shower me think for you young lady!


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