Monday 30 May 2011

Ouch & Relax... Well, kind of.

I am officially out of my old flat and have nothing else left to do.  My new flat however looks like a bomb has hit it, boxes everywhere and no sodding space for all my things.  Don't get me wrong bloggers, I am a girl who doesn't hoard possessions, my wardrobe is minimal and I don't really care for nick-knacks so for me not to have enough storage space is insane!  I think I may need to throw out more things...

I managed to dislocate my torn rotary cuff shoulder twice today and it is seriously narking right now.  I think I could empty a can of deep heat before I would feel any difference. OUUUUCHHHH!!

On the plus side, my new bath is much longer and wider than my old one and so I felt like a princess chilling out with my bubbles and my rubber ducky and despite it being a middle-aged drink I am currently sat drinking a baileys over ice while watching trash tv :)

Adele - Make You Feel My Love

Sunday 29 May 2011

Moving Flat

Moved flat today, 99% of my things are now in the new flat accross the hallway and 80% of the cleaning is done.  A couple of hours tomorrow and then what will be a full weeks worth of 'putting away' will be on the cards.  You see this flat has no hidden storage and less furniture storage so i'm going to have to get creative in finding places for things or I will need to throw more out. 

Its weird to think that this time on Thursday I will be in my new flat, with no flatmate, alone and living on my own - eek!

For now however I am one shattered little bunny and everywhere I look there are boxes.

Other news:
  • Herb telling me I should start dating again
  • Balloo has been in touch a lot recently as we are due to go to Download festival in a week.
  • OOJ has been in touch to see if he can tempt me to give things another go, he has a new job in Bristol and thinks we should date with a view to taking things to the next level and for me to move into his new flat in Bristol at some point in the future.  He also thinks that due to this I should help him find the flat too.
  • Mum is here until Thursday helping me make couch covers for my 2 sofas

Thursday 26 May 2011

I Passed

In your face driving test!!

I passed and only got one minor and that was for correctingy manover.


Wednesday 25 May 2011


I don't think I have been this nervous about anything ever!! I got no sleep last night, need the toilet every 5mins, feel sick, have a horrible feeling in my stomach, a dry mouth, feel irrationally emotional and have enough pent up anxiety and energy wrapped in a ball in the pit of my stomach that I think I could outrun an Olympic champion right now. Yes bloggers it is safe to say that you were right, sitting your driving test is awful! At this point in time I wouldn't be surprise if I didn't fail at the first junction coming out the test centre I'm that wound up. This does not bode well. I will let you know how it goes.


One day to go till my test and I'm bricking it. It seems like you can fail for pretty much anything these days. Money making scheme I think.
I'm super nervous though, third and final 2hr lesson in a couple of hours and even that is making me nervous. Roll on 10:17 tomorrow when I will have finished my test and will know how I got on. I will keep you posted bloggers.

Monday 23 May 2011

Thr33 Days

Three days till I sit my test... Eep! And as one logger emailed to point out, this will be one of the most nerve wracking things I will do.
Between exams, work and uni deadlines, Uni exams, training courses, travelling and moving flat I don't feel I have stopped to relax in over two months. Thursday test to go, Sat back home with mum and finishing the move then mum to leave on the Thurs and me back to work the same day. I will deffo need a holiday after this holiday!!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Bad internet

It's so hard to blog right now as the net here is so bad. Took my first driving lesson yesterday as I've my test booked on Thursday... Yep I don't really forward plan fir anything, I just decide and then throw myself into it. The instructor thinks I'm test ready but need to watch a few lil things.

Friday 20 May 2011

Accidental kisses

I hate that moment of fear when you realise you have, without thinking, put a x (kiss) at the end of a text message and before you have realised have clicked 'send' its a moment of pure terror as you realise that no matter how many times, how hard or how fast you push the 'cancel' button the progress bar continues to fill up and your text is gone... Unchangeable and out there in cyberland winging it's way to an unsuspecting victim. That sneaky text with it's cunning ways. Damn you text message!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Thelma & Louise

The advanced negotiations training over the last few days was great. My colleague in all things union related and I were Thelma & Louise:  Miles ahead of the game and held our own exceptionally well. The hotel was nice and as for the food, I don't think I have eaten this much in a looooong time.
The people on the course this time had a wealth of experience in different scenarios and it was great to share skills. There was also one other young person who was A) hot, B) looked like Dave grohl, C) funny and D) lives in te town the training was held so only an hour away from me. We had a few decent conversations and I've added him

On Facebook so I will let you know how it goes. I think he could be good guy to know for a night out or two.
On my train to mums now so the plan of action this next week is to do te family thing, pass my driving test, ship for fabric to recover my couches and to wind down a little before heading back to finish moving flat next Saturday.
I think shortly after that I will need to look for a summer job also as for the first year in many it appears my company isn't ifferig additional hours at my level over the summer. So if any of you are reading this and want to employ me... Lol

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Full Throttle

I've been running on full throttle this last two weeks between exams and Uni deadlines, packing to move flat (did I mention that?), Union cases at work, Pay negotiations across site, my regular work workload and getting everything ready for today when a friend comes to look after the cats, they relocate to the new flat, I shoot off to a different city in the UK for a course and then further afield to see my family and sit my driving test.  Phew*

Last night at work was manic, and when I got in at 10pm, my evening involved packing and cleaning and despite being shattered beyond all belief.  And to top it off my pesky body clock knowing that I have a heap to do before I leave today and clearly in disagreement with my brain that getting up at 7am is plenty of time to get everything done if I rush, has had me lying on my bed awake for hours and has given me the crappiest night of sleep I have had in a while.  I've got that awful empty nervous feeling in my stomach like I've forgotten to do something important too :s

I have a heap to tell you bloggers and I also still need to write one of the blogs you guys demanded so I will try to do that from my hotel room this evening.  Come Thursday evening however my blogs may be somewhat shortened as mum doesn't have the Internet and 3G is terrible in her area.  Is it wrong that despite looking forward to seeing my family I'm already looking forward to getting back to my world, reality and a few days of solo relaxation and partying?

Billy Ocean - When The Going Gets Tough

Sunday 15 May 2011

Chasing Balloons

I don't get people who know what they want and don't do anything about it, especially the ones that are all talk and no action.

You know the people I'm talking about, bolshy, auditory, tell you what they would/could do but never actually get round to showing you that they are capable.  The guy or the girl who tells you about this really awesome thing they saw in a shop that they were going to get for you as you would love, love, LOVE it, and yet somehow turns up empty handed.  The person who bIgs up your birthday and how awesome they are going to make it and then fail to even show up.  The guy who says you take his breath away and then just turns and walks away.  Don't get me wrong, all the examples I have just giVen are somewhat materialistic and that isn't what I meant to do, but saying 'the dude who says he could run the office and yet doesn't apply for the job' somEhow isn't personal enough.

I'm an impulse girl, if I see something I want I don't over think it, I ether go for it or I don't, all this 'will I, won't I' stuff is just irritating.  Of course big decisions like moving house, changing career, deciding whether to have a baby or not falls INto a different and more complex category but the rest... it's child's play.
If you like a girl/guy, ask him/her out.  If it's valentines day and you like someone, send THEm a card.  If you hate your hair, cut it.  If you hate your job, look for a new one.  If you need a break, go away somewhere.  Alright, we might not all be able to jet off but life is what you make it and money or lack thereof is irrelevant.

I reMember hitting a slump with Mr X and so I tOok the £89 I had in my bank account and managed to pay for everything required for a 4 day trip away (inc petrol).  We juMped in the car and drove 2hrs to a sea-side town not that far away off-peak season, in a somEwhat broken down, faulty heating, but clean caravan, ate nothing but an on-toast selection, and as the highlight, headed to a craft shop where we splashed out £5 each to paiNt a cup and then 'dined out' on a bag of chips as we walked along the beach in the pouring rain.  It was exacTly what we needed. 

Similarly when in University I spent £15 and transformed the disabled bathroom in the halls into barbedos with the help of some B&Q sand, a little Bob Dylan on the CD player, some blown up (thankyou NHS) hospital gloves creatively made into octopus hanging from the shower curtain, a paddling pool filled with water from Argos and two carved out coconuts filled with the cheapest and most deadly alcohol the local supermarket had to offer.  It was my first 'holiday' with Clutz and still the most memorable, we had a great time.

Get off your asses people, stop complaining, stop thinking about what you don't have, what could have been or what might happen and start chasing balloons on impulse and jumping in puddles... Life is way too short!

Foo Fighters - Everlong

Friday 13 May 2011

Hold out your Hand

Everybody goes through hard times and sometimes you just need people to give you a helping hand to get back up.

There's a certain honour that can be seen in the girl who works hard every day doing the best she can and keeps chasing the dream that one day something better will come along, never giving up.  Or the man who pulls a twelve hour day and comes home shattered and yet still manages to find the energy to play with his children.

Life for most of us is an uphill battle, its a rarity to find everything you are looking for with ease and normality that people have to push themselves to get through the bad times in search of the good.

I sometimes think I was put here to be a helping hand, I remind myself of the girl in the film Sweet November and to those who know me well, I am sure I do also.  Its a great way to be and if my path in life is to help others find their way then its a path I am proud to be walking.  I just hope that somewhere along the road there is someone ready to pick me up.

Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up

Wednesday 11 May 2011


Things have been really exhausting with mum so sorry for the lack of blog, or interesting blog.

Tomorrow i'll be back and will blog about two of the suggestions some of you have left so keep them coming :) 


Tuesday 10 May 2011

Sign This

Also for those of you who are not aware of this or have not yet taken action please click this link and do so.  It is a legitimate site, it isn't spam and its an important cause.

A Sad Day

My mum had to get her cat put down today.  It may seem trivial to some of you reading this blog but the cat has been with us for 18years now and I think if I'm honest it has been a huge contributing factor in my mum getting on with things since dad died and has helped her through so today is a very sad day.

I hope mum is ok.

Sunday 8 May 2011

You Decide

Not much to report on today bloggers, my weekend has been pretty tame as I've been getting to grips with Mr X leaving and have begun to start organising to move flat also.

The friend who I previously spoke to you about who has been dumped by her bf of 4 years (Wonka) also ended up over for several hours yesterday having broken down into floods of tears in work and having been sent home - I live pretty close so she just jumped in her car and headed over looking for a bit of compassion.

Tuesday I will blog about something of your choice, so leave me a comment below (you can leave it as anonymous or you can pick a name), you don't need to register.  Lets see what you will come up with.

Coldplay - Fix You

Friday 6 May 2011


Women are so totally irrational sometimes.  For those of you who have read my blog before you will know about Pooch and Waves (a couple I know).  Pooch and I work together although he is full-time and I met Waves through him when she came along to my Halloween party.  We hang out on occasion and while I see Pooch more and we grab the odd pint after work, Waves is always invited along to every interaction.

You see Pooch has a thing for me and I am well aware of it, so it seems is Waves.  A while ago they came to blows over it and since I have made every effort not to see Pooch unless Waves is in tow.  The other day one of my cats was really sick and I had to head to the emergency vet, due to two screwed shoulders and a broken thumb I needed some muscle to help me carry the cat box and as Pooch and Waves live close they were my first point of call.  Apparently this has spiked another 'wave' of jealousy.

Its mental!  I mean while Pooch may have something for me which Waves has probably picked up on its pretty clear that there is nothing going on from my end.  I never invite him along to anything without her.  My type of guy is punky with piercings and tattoo's (and while the guys I date long term never fit into this they are usually gym buffs), Pooch is a geeky, un-trendy guy with a non-descript haircut and glasses.  He is a really nice guy but even in a moment of weakness I wouldn't be tempted.

Not knowing this I invited Pooch and Waves over for dinner with a few others this Sat to keep my mind of things and it all came out.  You see apparently despite being upset over Mr X leaving, running from any guy who gets too close, not being attracted to Pooch at all, being in the middle of exams and inviting Waves as his plus one to all occasions, Waves thinks I am such a temptress of seduction that Pooch and I will end up breaking her heart and in a relationship.

Yes bloggers, we women are certainly overprotective of our men.

Pun intended on today's tune:
Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

Thursday 5 May 2011


I said goodbye to Mr X for the last time today, it was really emotional and I will miss him heaps.

I am always going to be there for him and he will always be here for me.  We fought a long hard battle to get to where we are and neither of us is going to let that go.

Lifehouse - Broken

Wednesday 4 May 2011

3rd Time Lucky

Well today I hang out with Mr X for the last time and say goodbye as he leaves for his new life at the other side of the world tomorrow.  And what does a sensible person do to mark this occasion?  Tattoo number 2!

Yes that's right bloggers, I got up this morning and decided that a tattoo should mark the occasion so I now have a heart with 3 dots on my wrist.  I figure a dot for every significant relationship my life with have so a dot for Clutz, a dot for Mr X and a dot for the next guy who I reckon will be a keeper (when I find him that is).

I know, I know, a tattoo on my wrist isn't the most sensible, but its small(ish), its non-offencive and if needed I could accessorise to cover it up.

My Hormones are going mental at the moment.  I'm frisky as a bunny in spring and absolutely nothing I can do will make it go away, and i'm broody to boot.  If my head wasn't in control I'd be staring in my Own porn movie and popping out sprogs like there is no tomorrow at the moment, Its insane!! 

For those of you who are men and are reading this blog I would like to take this oppoRtunity to enlighten you into the ways of we women folk.  We love sex!  We might make you wait when we start dating but if you have to wait, then that only means you are someoNe we see as a 'keeper' and trust me when I say when we finally let you taste the forbidden fruit, we will blow your mind.  You might think about sex every 10seconds while we think of it only once an hour, but trust me when I say a flash image of gorgeous breasts will always come second to a 2min daydream where You are the cheese in a Channing Tatum and Katherine Moening sandwich.

2 Live Crew - Me So Horny

Tuesday 3 May 2011


I've been multitasking like a mofo this last week, hence the lack of blog so here's a super fast 'catchup' to get you up to date:

  • Training was interesting, there were several bizarre characters (the majority of which were from the MOD - take from that what you will), dinner on night one was enforced and conversation was contrived and difficult.  My hotel room was however not a room but a suite somehow so there was a little silver lining.  I passed and am booked onto the advanced negotiating course later this month.
  • I've seen Mr X quite a lot with him leaving but not overkill.  His last night in the UK is tomorrow so we are going to spend the evening together, grab some food and say our teary goodbyes on Thursday morning before he goes to the airport.
  • OOJ has been back in touch and is keen on 'chasing me' as he thinks we would be good together and doesn't want to give up on the idea yet.
  • A successful day in the park was organised followed by Kinnect (which is awesome) on Friday.  Six came along and declared that she is back with her idiot of an ex bf, despite her impending move back to the States - he is looking into how he can follow - anyone say 'greencard stalker'.
  • Walliams (my flatmate) is skating on thin ice with his party boy attitude and 101 people over to the flat making a mess theme of late.  I gave him a talking to on Saturday morning however and he seems to be trying to clean his act up (pun intended).
  • Herb (one of my best friends from way back) was in town for a hen weekend so we caught up on Sunday which was great.  We always laugh so much when we are together.
  • Exams are going, well they are going...
  • Work is endless
  • I fell over and broke my thumb and fractured my ulna, add that to my torn rotary cuff and my entire right arm is now out of action - fun times.
Yep I think that is pretty much it.  So I'll now take a breath and we will get back to normal tomorrow :)

Wakey Wakey - Almost Everything

Tricks and Tips