Saturday 22 May 2010


I was going to write about last night and Mr S here but I somehow don't really want to so instead I will tell you about something else :D

So the tattoo yesterday only took 40mins, they had schedulled me in for 1hr 1/2 as most people need a few breaks for the size/location of the tattoo I got but it didn't really hurt more than being scratched a little with a paper clip (weird comparison I know).

I have to say though, I didn't get any of the buzz or the elated feeling I have had in the past when I've had a piercing done (tongue when I was 16 and waaaay before the spice girls and piercing popularity, and my lip when I got all age conscious on my 25th birthday lol). 

Today it feels a little tight like I have been sunburnt but it is only a little red and doesn't really hurt.  I do like it, and definately think I chose something I can live with which is a good thing.  It is leeking ink at the moment though which although is apparently normal, its a bit of a nightmare as I seem to have dyed one of the cusions on my cream couch... good job it was a £35 find at a charity shop and not £800 from MFI or some other random overly priced warehouse store.

Sooooo All I need to do now is get the other 2 'to do' items off the list in the next week - game on!

'The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be' Socrates

Daniel Merriweather - Red:

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