Sunday 2 May 2010

Booty Call

One night stand - fuck buddy - friend with benefits - quickie - screw friend - sex - no strings attached - no commitment - unadulterated pleasure - aka. The Booty Call

I've been sex free for a while now and having done the fuckbuddy thing before I met Mr S.  It was the perfect solution to sex without the stresses of a relationship or the concerns of a one night stand.  However despite its obvious attractions I vowed I wouldn't go back there again when Mr S and I split up as I think that somehow it makes you unavailable to other people.  Also, it seems that girls go into these types of arrangements with their eyes wide open knowing exactly what is on the table, guys on the other hand seem to jump in with both feet and somehow seem to get themselves attached.

Despite this, I think sex is a stress relief must and as i'm smack bang in the middle of exams right now and am no way near ready for another relationship just yet I think i'm going to rejoin the club.

Before I met Mr S I went on a couple of dates with a guy 'El Dempasso' who kissed fantastically, had some astonishingly great chat and seemed to know exactly what he wanted out of life - yeah he seemed pretty great.  It soon came to light however, that El Dempasso was a virgin and so if things were to progres I would be the girl to 'pop his cherry'. 

I was totally shocked, he had totally blown away my stereotype of what a 20-something yr old virgin would/should be like, he was confident, self assured, got lots of female attention and had just decided to wait.  I on the other hand wasn't sure I wanted the responsibility of 'doing the deed' so we decided to think it over as we were both about to go on holiday.  I met Mr S before we got back in touch again. 

We have stayed in touch on and off since via text and the wonder that is facebook and he got in touch more frequently when he heard that Mr S and I had split up which lead to some steamy texts but having taken the plunge since I had seen him last and was looking for something no-strings attached which I wasn't sure I wanted so we left it at that.

Anyway my lil bloggers, I am thinking El Dempasso may be the stress relief and fun-time person perfect for just now and due to a bit of a photo/text disaster a short time ago, I know the offer is on the table so watch this space...

I've always loved this song, but it couldn't be a better choice for today's blog:
Moloko, Pure Pleasure Seeker


  1. hmmm..

    well i beleive u would be doing a diservice not to taking the edge of the exam stresses...

    the question is; will a virign really meet the criteria to 'get the job done'


    J x

  2. Hello J,

    So you agree I should jump on the 'fbuddy' train huh.

    Nooooo El Dempasso is no longer a virgin, that was a few years ago now, he has well and truly burst that cherry!


  3. fill us in on the 'photo/text' disaster you speak off... monday is hurting and i need some japes

    J x


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