Monday 27 October 2014

Spreadsheets & Spontaneous Texts

New day.  New approach.

Work is completely insane at the moment.  At any given moment I have two people at my desk and a phone either pinging with texts or ringing with some kind of 'emergency'.  I logged in to 568 new and unread emails this morning.  I replied to 5.  

I've decided to take 5mins each hour just to gain my sanity back.  The people I work with are lovely, but some of them have the logic of a brick.  Efficiency and logic seem to be lacking in the brains of anyone I have to manage at the moment.  Things are busy and we have all had to roll our sleeves up but come on!  I regrouped the 35 basket cases round my desk just after lunch to spell it out all over again, but come home time when checking on their productivity... several balls have still been dropped.  Tomorrow I might have to start acting out all requests through the means of interpretive dance.  

Shake it off Ser3ndipity.  Shake it off!

A giant bubble bath and an early night is calling for this girl.  From the minute I got up this morning I feel like I've had people nipping my head and no time for the people I really want to save my attention for.  I need to sort that tomorrow. Life is too short and friends are too precious to mix up my priorities, even if my super-duper pulls data from 101 different places and calculates my life into simple figures with text analytics breaks again.  I need to go on a blinkin excel course.  I was doing ok until 2010 came in and messed up my learner mojo.  I'm starting to think I would prefer to work in an environment where I don't have to directly manage people.  I would get sooooo much done!  Including direct and non-direct reports, this week I've over 40 managers linking in covering an FTE of over 1400.  I'm only one little Ser3ndipity.

In other news I woke up to another cute text from Mr Helicopter this morning. Although that aside, he has been rather quiet.  To be fair, I've had zero time for flirting today, but while I'm clearly on his mind for first thing texts etc, where is the chatty guy I was talking to before 'the bombshell'?  The other 2... the registrar and the hotelier are still persisting.  I am useless at telling someone I'm not interested via text!  I guess I should consider my way of backing off without telling them I'm not interested (aka failing to reply) as a positive sign that Mr Helicopter isn't doing the same.  I am certainly not texting him each morning.

Bastille - Of The Night

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