Monday 25 March 2013

Weighing Up & Walking Away

Sometimes in life there comes a point where riding out a situation to see 'what if' might be the easy option, but isn't the option you should take.

Cherry has been in touch daily since our last date and things have fallen both sides of the dating tightrope as regular chat has been spattered with a few heated conversations and couple of really 'get to know you' moments.  The thing is bloggers, it has been almost two weeks since we have met in person as last week he was learning to drive and there was no suggestion of meeting at the weekend.  Last night he asked me how my plans were looking for the weekend and shortly after asked if I would like to meet for drinks on Saturday night. The thing is, I'm pretty certain that we are now at the point where we either jump in with both feet give it a go or chalk it up to one of those encounters that just doesn't quite click into place.

Among our conversations this last couple of weeks we had some honest dialogue about the fact I have been dating a few people and Cherry tends to only date one person at a time.  He didn't however intimate at the time that he was looking for this to change and I know from being online myself that he has equally been logging in whether he is dating other people or not.  Don't get me wrong bloggers, I absolutely think that dating should be something that sees people weigh up all the options and so while I opt to do this in person and Cherry appears to be conversing via email, it can't be one rule for me and another for him.  

I do feel however that we are at a bit of a stop zone in terms of where I am happy to go from here.  Sexual chemistry wise, we clearly both click but as I'm the kind of girl who is either embracing the FB experience or playing it slow and taking my time in a relationship, we are definitely at the point where things need to be defined.  In an ideal world I think I would like to give things a go and see where that takes us.  I'm not sure Cherry is the guy for me in the long term, but I think there is enough there both sexually and personality wise to warrant taking things to the next stage. 

The dilemma here bloggers is if Cherry is in the same place... He is definitely more of a 'see how it goes' guy, and while I'm ok with that to a certain extent I'm not willing to put myself into a position where I'm getting intimate with a guy physically and/or emotionally when I'm not sure of the context.

So Saturday night is snap decision night.  I will see how I feel when I see him, how he greets me, how the night goes and as we say goodbye, if there is still no context about where we are going, I think I will call time.   I'm a firm believer that if a guy wants to date you, he will make it happen, so no intimation of the direction is just as powerful a gesture for me.

I will let you know how it goes.

Creed - My Sacrifice
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