Monday 25 March 2013

Strawberry Sweet Street

Well bloggers, I didn't talk the talk and fail to walk the walk.  Saturday was D-Day for Cherry and I, and you will be pleased to hear that I approached the situation head on.
It was freezing outside so Cherry picked me up at my flat and we headed out for drinks.  It was a little bizzare when he arrived as I wasn't quite ready and he was almost blue from the walk to my appartment from the train station, so the whole hug/kiss thing... Didn't really happen.  On our way to the first bar Cherry stayed with his gentleman like gestures and continued to walk on the road side, the conversation flowed easily and we both seemed at ease.  

As the night progressed and the wine/beers flowed so did the conversation.  It was interesting, flirty, relaxed and so when the night was drawing to an end and the bar was beginning to quieten with beginning to move on in search of a club; when my friend text to check in a location with me from a first date she was on, I decided it was as good of time as any.  'Curve Ball Alert'!  I told Cherry who the text was from which prompted him to ask a couple of questions, and in turn allowed me to drop the clanger... Where next?!

I told Cherry that I had been having fun on our dates but as I was also dating other people and I imagined (knew) that he would also be talking to others (he had already told me he wasn't meeting anyone else in person) that we had kind of hit a bit of a sticking point.  I explained that I felt we had a lot of sexual chemistry going on and that while I didn't want to make the situation difficult or rushed (I'm not looking to rush into anything major), I was also sure that we were at a point where we needed to make a decision as to where we wanted things to go.  I didn't state the obvious of 'I am pretty sure sometime soon we are going to be hooking up and I'm not naive enough to go in that direction without exclusivity or a mutual understanding' but when he met the curve ball from left field with a smile and a few words of intrigue, I  embraced 21st Century Girl honesty in true Ser3ndipity style... I Laid it out on a plate.

Cherry was left with a decision to make, and the exceptionally cheeky smile that appeared on his face told me that he understood there was no wrong answer but like a kid in a sweet shop, he could only choose one:
  • We embrace the sexual tension, roll with it, have some fun.  Have a little more fun if we feel the need for a few repeat performances but we tie the whole thing up in a FB bow. No commitment, no leaning on each other.  Just fun, a few drinks from time to time and the understanding that should either of us enter sexual territory with anyone else, we call time immediately.
  • We decide that we have stumbled upon something pursuing and we put dating/emailing other people to one side, embrace exclusivity and see where it goes... If it goes well we think about the bf/gf thing.  All under the proviso that if that is the direction chosen sex is like a strawberry... the longer you wait the sweeter it tastes
Cherry's face was a picture and I was pretty confident when I had spelled it all out that he was going to embrace the path of the FB as I saw his eyes light up a little at it's suggestion, but he pretty much threw a curve ball of his own.  So hot off the press...

I am, as of Saturday exclusively dating Cherry and he called me on the 'if it all goes well' thing and so we are skipping a step.  Cherry is now officially my boyfriend.

Skunk Anansie - Headonism
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