Sunday 7 April 2013

The Strawberry Theory

Timing.  Life is all about timing.  

Logging online at the right time to find the perfect job just before the closing date, bumping into an old friend on the subway because you left 10mins late for work, forgetting your mobile and returning home only to realise you could have left your hair straighteners on, and of course... Sex.  

I tend to be the kind of girl that makes a guy wait if I'm dating.  Ironic really considering I'm also one to embrace the 21st century world of the FB when emotional commitment goes out the window and pure pleasure is on the cards.  The thing is bloggers, I'm a firm believer in the strawberry theory.  

The Strawberry Theory
You can pick a perfectly ripe looking strawberry, instantly take a bite and be somewhat disappointed.  It looked soft and juicy on the outside, but underneath the red exterior lay a slightly bitter, overly firm bite.  On the other hand, you can pick the same berry, place it in water overnight and the next day bite into the most succulent, sweet mouthful you could imagine.

Sex my bloggers is like a strawberry.
If instant gratification is all you are after, firm and slightly bitter is perfectly acceptable, however if you are going to be eating the fruit often, why not wait a while and ensure you are getting the best.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the strawberry theory, however both Clutz and Mr X from the first date waited two and three months respectively.  So you see bloggers, it would have been crazy to take such a tried and tested successful measure and ignore it with Cherry.  Although after several heated dates, a heap of hot texts and a post date 'night cap' last weekend, I quickly decided that six weeks was perfectly acceptable.

My parting thought for tonight's blog entry... Yowzer I have missed sex!

Joshua Radin - You Got What I Need
click for link


  1. Is that you in the profile pic?!!?

  2. Haha a very direct question from an anonymous :P
    What do you think?

    1. Im not sure :p
      Very pretty whoever it is :D


    2. Well Chris... Thanks :)
      Hope you are enjoying the blog


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