Wednesday 12 September 2012

Three times a bridesmaid...

So I just got the text.  While on holiday in NY Baron proposed to Herb and she said yes.  My best friend is engaged!!!

I am soooooooo happy for her, they are perfect for each other and after 8years 2months (so I am reliably informed), they are actually making it official.  He is one lucky boy and she is one lucky girl.  I have no doubt what so ever that they will make it work and last a lifetime.

I tell you something though, that is going to be one seriously interesting wedding.  My first ever long-term boyfirend Clutz will be there... with his wife and kid.  A guy we were all friends with till he went loco and ended up stabbing someone will be there (Baron would feel obliged to invite him), Mr X will be there, a heap of old school friends will be there and yes... at least 2 others that I have slept with at some point.  And will I be able to hide out of view?  No.  Say hello to the chief bridesmaid.  

This weekend I'm going to watch a myriad of movies like 'my best friends wedding', 'the wedding date' and 'picture perfect' while I try to work out what my action plan needs to be.  I need to be utterly fabulous and not even remotely single by the time this event comes around.  A serious action plan is needed.  Herb isn't the type of girl to wait around once something has been decided.  I'll give it 9months to a year before they are walking down the aisle.

I keep having flashes of the movie 27 dresses in my head where the bride actually has to hand deliver the bouquet to Katherine Heigl in the middle of the dance floor as she is the only one there.  To add credence to that Herb and I always said we would make each other wear the most horrific, frilly, floral, puffy bridesmaid dresses we could get our hands on for pure comedy value.  Not entirely sure this is going to help matters... EEK!

I've already been a bridesmaid twice in my life... If this one is going to tip me over the edge I might as well go out with style.


  1. I thought it was standard practice that single bridesmaids were hit on (or more) through out the night. You cant take that away from the guests! ;)
    Plus it sounds like it could be a fun night anyway. Stabbings, ex's and booze. what could go wrong!

  2. Well when you put it like that... lol
    I think the problem might be that I'll end up being a single bridesmaid in a room full of attached men. True though, you never know x

  3. You will be beautiful. I hope you will post a photo


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