Saturday 15 September 2012


So I think I might actually be a little bit interested in someone - hurrah!  Although in true Ser3ndipity style, it isn't a straight forward one - surprise surprise.

So as we all know I keep dipping into the world of online dating, decide it is total pants and that the men are crap and then dipping back out.  At the moment I've a few people chasing me for dates which is always nice, but as none of them really float my boat, I decided mid-last week to put myself back online (free site of course).

Anyway, the day after I put myself back on I got an email from a face I recognised - the brother of a guy I manage at work.  Tbh the email was more of a 'hey are you... I think you manage my brother... hi' so I replied figuring it would be the best way to ensure the entire team of people I manage don't end up logging in online to look at my dating profile  - not something I would relish.  A few emails back and forth later, all less like those tedious 'what do you like, what do you do for fun' crap emails and more along the lines of friendly banter like you would have in a bar like you had been introduced to a friend of a friend, and I can't lie bloggers... My interest has definitely piqued.

The guy I manage is one of the ones I have a good rapport with and we often exchange a few witty remarks, usually over our differing taste in music and similar bank balances (*ahem zero) and to date he is one of the most sought after men in the workplace - happily attached however and so very much off limits.   Interestingly we have both commented in the past how similar I am to his girlfriend both looks and some aspects of our personality.  I want to be clear however, never has a line been crossed by either of us, nor have we even come close, its just one of those completely innocent friendships - it is sooooo refreshing to know someone so devoted to their partner after all the crappy men that have come to light in my life of late.  From what I know so far it seems that all the good bits in this scenario are present in his brother only he is much more motivated, career driven and we have the same taste in music - you have to admit, it does sound interesting.

Anyway he asked me out for a drink this weekend, today in fact but I've pushed back to next week.  I'm full of the cold and even heading out to Red's apartment last night for dinner and a catchup was close to tipping me over the edge - a girl likes to look her best for a date, especially a first one.

So what do you think bloggers?  Good/bad idea?  I've spoken to a couple of other managers in work and they all seem to think it is ok, but I can't help but think it is a grey area.  I think I'll go on one date and if there looks to be a second in the pipeline I may have to have a conversation.

I'm still in LURRRRVE with this band
Twin Atlantic - Make a Beast of Myself 

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