Thursday 20 September 2012

Posts I hope you post

So one of you sent me a link to a page entitled '55 blog posts I hope you post' which made me chuckle so in an imaginary hat off to you moment to that blogger, hold on tight because we are about to cover off the most relevant subjects in one blog, you probably know the answers to a few but here we go...

1.      The story of my most serious injury:  Roller derby training injury resulting in to date 25+ shoulder dislocations and 70% mobility.

2.      The person I admire the most: My dad

3.       Why I love my hometown:  Because it is the place I had the best days of my life, I learnt to love, I learnt to cry and I learnt how to be the person I am.  It also has the most beautiful beach that to this day is still my favourite place in the whole wide world.

4.       Why I hate my hometown:  Everybody knew everybody’s business and everyone it seemed was rich... I wasn’t lol.

5.       My high school clique:  Geek chic

6.       My worst subject in school:  History.  I have the attention span of a goldfish and a lot of our classes seemed to be regional based which didn’t interest me at all. 

7.       How I shop, spend my money and what I wished I had spent less money on:  Quickly and somewhat impulsively, on things that make me happy, and crap like food.

8.       The cause I really believe in:  Equality

9.       If I had a Super Power:  I’d have the ability to shape shift, that way I could orchestrate myself       into the perfect life by pretending to be other people J

10.   Here’s where my opinion differs from the majority:  I think the government should be run by teenagers, the age where everybody has ideals and the world hasn’t yet phased us.

11.   My greatest sin against the environment:  I hate to admit this but while I always bin my litter I am terrible for spitting out chewing gum.  Yes... I am one of those people!

12.   The book that changed my life:  Watching the English by Katie Fox.  It made me see the world through different eyes and warm amusement.

13.   My unexpected mentor:  A guy I once went on two or three dates with called Dave, I have no idea where he is or what he is doing these days but something he saw in me when I was 23/24ish somehow focussed me and set me on the right path again.  I kind of owe a lot to Dave.

14.   I couldn’t live without this song:

15.   Why I believe in luck:  Because when you look at the world some people have everything you could dream of and did nothing to deserve it while others try so very hard and seem to end up with the bare minimum.  Sometimes I think life is about being in the right place at the right time.

16.   How I earned my worst karma:  I told my dad a lie and before I could get to a point in my life where I could tell him the truth he had died.  Biggest mistake of my life.

17.   My favourite item of clothing growing up:  I had a pair of Khaki combat trousers when I was 16 that I pretty much wore 24/7.  I loved them  and I am sure they fell off before I threw them away.

18.   If this celebrity knocked on my door, I’d run away with them:  There are sooo many!  Ryan Reynolds, Zac Efron, Ryan Phillipe, Charlie Simpson, Matt Damon just to name a few.

19.   The only thing that I can teach you:  You are responsible for your own life and how it turns out, you might get dealt some crap cards, you might even get dealt the worst hand known to man, but the only person responsible for the decisions you make is yourself, and once you realise that the rest will fall into place.

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