Friday 28 September 2012

As Easy As Breathing

I spent an hour or so talking to OOJ on the phone this morning, I laughed a heap, I've really missed having him around.

Been a busy one so far bloggers and it is off to date land this evening.  I hope I am doing the right thing and I'm ready this time.  Either way I've confirmed so there is no going back now *deep breaths.  I hope the rain stays off so I don't have to contend with nerves and an afro.

Yep.  I hope now a little time has passed OOJ and I can work the friend thing out, I was a little harsh in the way I thought things through with him I think.  The whole situation was just one that was pretty intense and full of chemistry and personality clashes - neither of us looked great in that light.  Like it or not, despite it all it seems I found myself someone else I can really talk to, don't have to pretend I'm someone I'm not when we speak which is... well, like taking a really big deep breath.  I'm glad he is happy now :)

Cheyenne Mize - Not

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