Thursday 27 September 2012

Rack 'Em Up

For an uneventful week, I sure have got a lot done...

  • Sorted out some financial stuff for my mum that required negotiating and bulldozing my way through a heap of council paperwork much to the surprise of all involved.
  • Found two jobs to apply for (yes two!!), one in this city and one in Australia that I think I have a really great chance at getting - not sure I fancy Australia but hey, if it is mine for the taking then why the hell not!
  • Flat inspection completed.
  • First work appraisal from my new boss completed - Apparently I exceed expectations in all areas kazzaaahhhh :)
  • Lost 3kg, that's right 3kg - helloooooo killer bridesmaid body come this time next year!  The plan is to lose what I need and to then tone the ass out of what is left ready for a weeks worth of preening before the big event.  And yes... no question in my mind.  I will be partaking in my first botox treatment ahead of the big day.
Don't worry though bloggers, I have factored in some fun...
  • Oldest nephews 18th birthday present bought - hello parachute jump!  I think my sister in law is going to pop a gasket.
  • Booked a sky dive for myself - once I'm looking fantastic I'm going to take Herb for a skydive as part of her hen thing.  She has done a parachute jump twice before (I think those look mega scary but for some reason a skydive seems much more acceptable)  so I've put the deposit down for us to do tandem jumps.
  • I've also racked up some dates for this weekend.  Drinks with the brother this Friday eve and date with a 6ft dude who works in construction management this Saturday afternoon.  
  • Not to be slow off the mark I'm already organising for next week - there is one particular guy who is in the navy (never really saw myself with a military man but hey) who is the hot favourite at the moment.
  • I've a murder mystery event lined up next weekend for a friends birthday which will apparently be heading on to the gay club in town so I'll be embracing the night and keeping my eye open for a sexy chick.
AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long

1 comment:

  1. you have to promise to post the skydive photos


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