Friday 28 September 2012

As Easy As Breathing

I spent an hour or so talking to OOJ on the phone this morning, I laughed a heap, I've really missed having him around.

Been a busy one so far bloggers and it is off to date land this evening.  I hope I am doing the right thing and I'm ready this time.  Either way I've confirmed so there is no going back now *deep breaths.  I hope the rain stays off so I don't have to contend with nerves and an afro.

Yep.  I hope now a little time has passed OOJ and I can work the friend thing out, I was a little harsh in the way I thought things through with him I think.  The whole situation was just one that was pretty intense and full of chemistry and personality clashes - neither of us looked great in that light.  Like it or not, despite it all it seems I found myself someone else I can really talk to, don't have to pretend I'm someone I'm not when we speak which is... well, like taking a really big deep breath.  I'm glad he is happy now :)

Cheyenne Mize - Not

Thursday 27 September 2012

Rack 'Em Up

For an uneventful week, I sure have got a lot done...

  • Sorted out some financial stuff for my mum that required negotiating and bulldozing my way through a heap of council paperwork much to the surprise of all involved.
  • Found two jobs to apply for (yes two!!), one in this city and one in Australia that I think I have a really great chance at getting - not sure I fancy Australia but hey, if it is mine for the taking then why the hell not!
  • Flat inspection completed.
  • First work appraisal from my new boss completed - Apparently I exceed expectations in all areas kazzaaahhhh :)
  • Lost 3kg, that's right 3kg - helloooooo killer bridesmaid body come this time next year!  The plan is to lose what I need and to then tone the ass out of what is left ready for a weeks worth of preening before the big event.  And yes... no question in my mind.  I will be partaking in my first botox treatment ahead of the big day.
Don't worry though bloggers, I have factored in some fun...
  • Oldest nephews 18th birthday present bought - hello parachute jump!  I think my sister in law is going to pop a gasket.
  • Booked a sky dive for myself - once I'm looking fantastic I'm going to take Herb for a skydive as part of her hen thing.  She has done a parachute jump twice before (I think those look mega scary but for some reason a skydive seems much more acceptable)  so I've put the deposit down for us to do tandem jumps.
  • I've also racked up some dates for this weekend.  Drinks with the brother this Friday eve and date with a 6ft dude who works in construction management this Saturday afternoon.  
  • Not to be slow off the mark I'm already organising for next week - there is one particular guy who is in the navy (never really saw myself with a military man but hey) who is the hot favourite at the moment.
  • I've a murder mystery event lined up next weekend for a friends birthday which will apparently be heading on to the gay club in town so I'll be embracing the night and keeping my eye open for a sexy chick.
AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long

Thursday 20 September 2012

Chasing Dreams

I feel like there are so many things going on at the moment and at the same time there is nothing at all happening.

Life is really complicated sometimes and yet the solution is always something simple.  It is hard to see the wood for the trees.

One day at a time, tiny steps is the only thing that can be done when chasing dreams.

Sweet dreams bloggers x

Taking Back Sunday - New American Classic

Posts I hope you post

So one of you sent me a link to a page entitled '55 blog posts I hope you post' which made me chuckle so in an imaginary hat off to you moment to that blogger, hold on tight because we are about to cover off the most relevant subjects in one blog, you probably know the answers to a few but here we go...

1.      The story of my most serious injury:  Roller derby training injury resulting in to date 25+ shoulder dislocations and 70% mobility.

2.      The person I admire the most: My dad

3.       Why I love my hometown:  Because it is the place I had the best days of my life, I learnt to love, I learnt to cry and I learnt how to be the person I am.  It also has the most beautiful beach that to this day is still my favourite place in the whole wide world.

4.       Why I hate my hometown:  Everybody knew everybody’s business and everyone it seemed was rich... I wasn’t lol.

5.       My high school clique:  Geek chic

6.       My worst subject in school:  History.  I have the attention span of a goldfish and a lot of our classes seemed to be regional based which didn’t interest me at all. 

7.       How I shop, spend my money and what I wished I had spent less money on:  Quickly and somewhat impulsively, on things that make me happy, and crap like food.

8.       The cause I really believe in:  Equality

9.       If I had a Super Power:  I’d have the ability to shape shift, that way I could orchestrate myself       into the perfect life by pretending to be other people J

10.   Here’s where my opinion differs from the majority:  I think the government should be run by teenagers, the age where everybody has ideals and the world hasn’t yet phased us.

11.   My greatest sin against the environment:  I hate to admit this but while I always bin my litter I am terrible for spitting out chewing gum.  Yes... I am one of those people!

12.   The book that changed my life:  Watching the English by Katie Fox.  It made me see the world through different eyes and warm amusement.

13.   My unexpected mentor:  A guy I once went on two or three dates with called Dave, I have no idea where he is or what he is doing these days but something he saw in me when I was 23/24ish somehow focussed me and set me on the right path again.  I kind of owe a lot to Dave.

14.   I couldn’t live without this song:

15.   Why I believe in luck:  Because when you look at the world some people have everything you could dream of and did nothing to deserve it while others try so very hard and seem to end up with the bare minimum.  Sometimes I think life is about being in the right place at the right time.

16.   How I earned my worst karma:  I told my dad a lie and before I could get to a point in my life where I could tell him the truth he had died.  Biggest mistake of my life.

17.   My favourite item of clothing growing up:  I had a pair of Khaki combat trousers when I was 16 that I pretty much wore 24/7.  I loved them  and I am sure they fell off before I threw them away.

18.   If this celebrity knocked on my door, I’d run away with them:  There are sooo many!  Ryan Reynolds, Zac Efron, Ryan Phillipe, Charlie Simpson, Matt Damon just to name a few.

19.   The only thing that I can teach you:  You are responsible for your own life and how it turns out, you might get dealt some crap cards, you might even get dealt the worst hand known to man, but the only person responsible for the decisions you make is yourself, and once you realise that the rest will fall into place.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

tragic logic Vs risky business

It is soooooo cold!  I can't get warm at all!

The choices are clear...

I either buy a onesie - cosy and yet tragic

I resume a friend with benefit scenario just to benefit from the sleep spooning action.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Dating, Weighting and Psychicing...?

I signed up to weight watchers last week - got to shed a few kg well in advance of the wedding.  I want to walk into that room and be the second most talked about girl there... for all the right reasons.

Don't worry I'm not going to turn into a weight loss blogger, but if anything amusing happens along the way I'll keep you up to speed.  I did however have my first ever protein shake today... never again.  

So I've a date lined up this Friday, next Friday and next Saturday so far.  I think I might try to squeeze another one in just for good measure.  This Friday is the brother, next Friday is 6ft 4 and works in construction management, next Sat is a gig playing muso.  Not bad for a week of online dating - I'm almost impressed with myself lol

Ya so I know that isn't a word but who cares!  A few people I work with have all been to see this psychic woman now who is apparently amazing.  I'm always somewhat dubious about psychics, however I could use a boost and I am sure it will be a giggle so I've booked her to do a party at my flat, the earliest date I could get her is mid November - aaaaaaages away!  She better be worth it.

Mary J Blige - Family Affair

Saturday 15 September 2012


So I think I might actually be a little bit interested in someone - hurrah!  Although in true Ser3ndipity style, it isn't a straight forward one - surprise surprise.

So as we all know I keep dipping into the world of online dating, decide it is total pants and that the men are crap and then dipping back out.  At the moment I've a few people chasing me for dates which is always nice, but as none of them really float my boat, I decided mid-last week to put myself back online (free site of course).

Anyway, the day after I put myself back on I got an email from a face I recognised - the brother of a guy I manage at work.  Tbh the email was more of a 'hey are you... I think you manage my brother... hi' so I replied figuring it would be the best way to ensure the entire team of people I manage don't end up logging in online to look at my dating profile  - not something I would relish.  A few emails back and forth later, all less like those tedious 'what do you like, what do you do for fun' crap emails and more along the lines of friendly banter like you would have in a bar like you had been introduced to a friend of a friend, and I can't lie bloggers... My interest has definitely piqued.

The guy I manage is one of the ones I have a good rapport with and we often exchange a few witty remarks, usually over our differing taste in music and similar bank balances (*ahem zero) and to date he is one of the most sought after men in the workplace - happily attached however and so very much off limits.   Interestingly we have both commented in the past how similar I am to his girlfriend both looks and some aspects of our personality.  I want to be clear however, never has a line been crossed by either of us, nor have we even come close, its just one of those completely innocent friendships - it is sooooo refreshing to know someone so devoted to their partner after all the crappy men that have come to light in my life of late.  From what I know so far it seems that all the good bits in this scenario are present in his brother only he is much more motivated, career driven and we have the same taste in music - you have to admit, it does sound interesting.

Anyway he asked me out for a drink this weekend, today in fact but I've pushed back to next week.  I'm full of the cold and even heading out to Red's apartment last night for dinner and a catchup was close to tipping me over the edge - a girl likes to look her best for a date, especially a first one.

So what do you think bloggers?  Good/bad idea?  I've spoken to a couple of other managers in work and they all seem to think it is ok, but I can't help but think it is a grey area.  I think I'll go on one date and if there looks to be a second in the pipeline I may have to have a conversation.

I'm still in LURRRRVE with this band
Twin Atlantic - Make a Beast of Myself 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Three times a bridesmaid...

So I just got the text.  While on holiday in NY Baron proposed to Herb and she said yes.  My best friend is engaged!!!

I am soooooooo happy for her, they are perfect for each other and after 8years 2months (so I am reliably informed), they are actually making it official.  He is one lucky boy and she is one lucky girl.  I have no doubt what so ever that they will make it work and last a lifetime.

I tell you something though, that is going to be one seriously interesting wedding.  My first ever long-term boyfirend Clutz will be there... with his wife and kid.  A guy we were all friends with till he went loco and ended up stabbing someone will be there (Baron would feel obliged to invite him), Mr X will be there, a heap of old school friends will be there and yes... at least 2 others that I have slept with at some point.  And will I be able to hide out of view?  No.  Say hello to the chief bridesmaid.  

This weekend I'm going to watch a myriad of movies like 'my best friends wedding', 'the wedding date' and 'picture perfect' while I try to work out what my action plan needs to be.  I need to be utterly fabulous and not even remotely single by the time this event comes around.  A serious action plan is needed.  Herb isn't the type of girl to wait around once something has been decided.  I'll give it 9months to a year before they are walking down the aisle.

I keep having flashes of the movie 27 dresses in my head where the bride actually has to hand deliver the bouquet to Katherine Heigl in the middle of the dance floor as she is the only one there.  To add credence to that Herb and I always said we would make each other wear the most horrific, frilly, floral, puffy bridesmaid dresses we could get our hands on for pure comedy value.  Not entirely sure this is going to help matters... EEK!

I've already been a bridesmaid twice in my life... If this one is going to tip me over the edge I might as well go out with style.

Friday 7 September 2012


Ok so I have a friend (Lets call him Turner) who recently qualified as a photographer.  Initially he had wanted to focus on architecture, but due to a few art/fashion shoots, he has since decided to expand his portfolio and take an advanced course with that focus.  Anyway, cutting to the chase Turner asked me last night if I would consider becoming one of his subjects for the three month course.  To be specific, the shoots would all revolve around fine art.

I am really tempted, I love fine art photography and have quite a few pieces similar to what I believe he is looking to aim for on show in my apartment.  His plan is to have me work with another girl and a guy who he has photographed many times and to use our bodies in contrast to each other a mixture of gritty, erotic, beautiful and innocent.  The catch however is that these pieces will be for him to use at his discretion, will go on his website with selected prints for sale, and he already has a potential sponsor for a gallery showing should his pieces turn out as well as hoped.  

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely trust anything Turner would take to turn out fantastic and am comfortable in my own skin, but it is still quite a venture to consider.  Just to keep you in the loop, I've known Turner for over 5years, have seen most of his work to date, he is gay, has a long term partner who works in TV/fashion and this most definitely is high end art and not glamour in any way shape or form.  I can't lie, I am shocked and yet flattered to be asked... but I'm not sure I am brave enough to do it.  It would mean 5 or 6 people seeing my body exceptionally intimately up close, and then who knows how many others after that.

The two other models he has in mind are much more photogenic - a girl he has worked with many times, so lean and perfect I'm sure even her internal organs would look good in a kodak moment, and a guy who has exceptionally defined features and bone structure to die for (I also know the guy a little as we met in a bar a year or so ago - he asked me on a date and after initially agreeing I pulled a permanent rain check.  A few months later he appeared in one of Turner's photos and when I queried how he knew him,  It turned out he is a regular model for Turner's boyfriend). 

I'm tempted to agree with the proviso that any of the artwork I am in excludes my face.  I can't imagine this will be a problem as I've yet to see a piece of fine art photography I like that clearly defines a face, it seems to be more about lines and the curves of a body rather than the person that owns it.

What do you think bloggers?  Would you do it?

Avril Lavigne - Runaway

Thursday 6 September 2012

Bump & Grind

So my new upstairs neighbours are beginning to grind on me a little.  I think it is a group of lads as they are pretty noisy, talk loudly, stomp about and constantly have music playing (with mega loud bass.. remove the bass it probably wouldn't bother me) and when you do hear a female voice this often leads to a a few hours or ooooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmm later in the night.  Last night tipped me over the edge.  

I was in most the day yesterday before work and had the dulcit tones of the bass beating over and over in my head as I tried to get paperwork done.  After work I was met with either war movies on their TV for xbox as there were lots of bomb and screaming noises.  Luckily my bedroom is usually much quieter so I got to sleep no problem but was woken up at 4am to bed squeaking and one of the guys moaning and groaning so loudly he should be starring in his own porno.  I'm like a bear with a sore head today.

Think I might have to pop up and introduce myself.  So tempting to take an introduction parcel (WD40 for their bed and masking tape for his mouth)... Am I getting old bloggers?

Noisy Neighbour - David Guetta Ft. Akon

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Yawn - Stretch - Cuddle

I headed to the cinema on Sunday with someone I used to manage at work.  We had an unusual relationship as I knew him before I got promoted and we used to be extremely sneaky - working our asses off the first week of the month and then slacking off more and more as the month went on.  Always under the radar, always working as little as possible.  It was an interesting notion a few months later that I would have to manage him but one that made for a few giggles along the way.  Anyway long story short the whole thing worked well as we walked the line of 'boss vs employee' and a few months ago he left the company as he managed to land himself a job working in stocks/shares for a major bank (happy days).  

We stay in touch on and off, mainly to discuss movies we have seen (we both like a decent horror/thriller) with the occasional drop in of 'how are you doing, any drama in your love life'.  So when something caught my eye in the cinema a few weeks ago I dropped him a text to see if he fancied it - Its hard to find someone who actually enjoys being scared.  Anyway it didn't pan out, mainly because of my schedule, but this week 'the possession' was released so we decided to go and see if it was worth the hype - it isn't.

You know when you get the feeling that you have agreed to do something completely platonic, but the person you are meeting all of a sudden ups the ante on the double entendre text messages and starts factoring in waaaaay more kisses?  It was one of those.

Despite a few worries about awkward situations, I managed to leave the evening without having to fend off any surprise lunges, but it took some serious dedication.  There was the odd arm brush here, the presence of his leg against mine on too many occasions for it to be chance and the odd overly intense look as we chatted beforehand.  I was like a superhero, fending off  his potential advances with witty comebacks and sarcasm while repositioning my body in subtle ways to avoid any kind of hand/leg grabbing in the darkness of the room.  The Yawn - Stretch - Cuddle move was  definitely off the agenda. You'd have been impressed bloggers!

Anyway as you can tell I am still single and ready to mingle and despite a few keen parties, have yet met anyone to take me into the land of coupledom again.  You will be pleased to know however that I am out on the prowl (yes the prowl) this coming Friday as I am feeling a little frisky of late and have decided I need a minor distraction to put a smile on my face and keep me in the waiting game a little longer.  I'll keep you posted.

Monday 3 September 2012

Naked Salute

I'm loving the facebook page dedicated to Prince Harry encouraging people to give him a naked salute.  I can't say I'm not tempted to jump on the bandwagon.

I'm neutral on the royal family debate with the exception of a few irks - My tax money paying for their exuberant holidays , and the hand out of expensive educations to those who couldn't give a crap and decide to study 'history of art' or something equally useless while the rest of us rack up debt that we will be paying off the rest of our lives in order to do something that will actually help society.  That said... Imaginary hat off to Prince Harry!

If I had to pick where my pennies got spent, I'd rather have a laugh at a bit of scandal and add some normality into the mix.

As a good looking lad in his 20s why can't Harry go loco in Vegas and have a few comedy kodak moments left to haunt him the rest of his life.  If someone could have captured the look on the Queens face when 'her majesty' first saw the photos I'm sure we could have generated enough cash as a Nation to pay off everyone's student debt.

Whoever said what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, well... they lied!
Tricks and Tips