Friday 2 April 2010

The last 2 weeks

The last two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind so I'll try fill you in and get you up to speed without boring you to tears...

I went to Salisbury with Balloo for Herb and Barron's flatwarming, it was a great trip, we did lots of catching up, injured ourselves getting a bit too into wii sports plus and the hat party was a hit.  I ended up option for a cheeky sailors hat and hooking up Balloo with a pirate hat but it was pretty much a hat swapping game all night.

There was a quite a good looking guy there and lots of flirting was had but it was all in good humour and he ended up leaving last.  The guys that Herb and Barron had thought I would be attracted to turned out to be of no interest but nice all the same.

The night ended with a bit of a heart to heart in the kitchen with Barron who said I seemed to pick the wrong type of guy and I need to focus on more outgoing people to compliment me as I'm a bit sporadic and that he will 'vet potentials' in the future if I ask.  Balloo pretty much said the same and stayed on point for the latter part of the evening as I think he thought it might result in a hook-up and he didn't seem to keen on my choice of guy.

Mr S
Mr S finally returned to the flat a couple of days before I went to Salisbury saying he wanted to talk and sort the friendship out.  As I've said before this is a blog for my life not his so I don't want to go into where he has been or doing what as to out that information should be his choice not mine.  In short he had moved in with a girl he was going out with, he moved back and ended it and realised he had been a bit of an ass to me.

I got a really nice email from him while I was away and after coming back and thinking it over for a few days we sat down to talk last Sat and decided to try and make our friendship work.  He also seems to have a lot going on but again his story not mine.  We went out to the cinema and grabbed a takeout on Sunday and since then things have been ok.  Small steps so not to get trampled on or hut but yeah... I'm glad at how things have ended.

Mr S moved out this week and my new flatmate moved in (don't think I have given her a name yet so from now on lets call her Mod - she used to be one).  Mod and I sat down last night after she had 'officially' moved in and had a few glasses of wine - I think we will get on well as flatmates fingers crossed.

Tonight we are having a few people over for drinks and nibbles.

Mr S... and here is the bit you may question as a few of my friends have.  But Mr S is moving into the flat across the hallway, same block of flats, same floor but 3 doors down in 10 days so we will be neighbours.  I'm not sure if I'm making a mistake or heading for another fall but I just can't seem to cut someone who has been my best friend and my rock for such a long time out my life, despite recent times.  I'm really glad he is moving just along the hallway as hope we can get our friendship back on track and stay in each others lives - am I fooling myself?

Just a great song I am listening to a lot lately (Jared Leto has a great voice):
30 Seconds to Mars, This is War

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