Tuesday 20 April 2010

Flat(not so)mates

The cracks have begun to show with the new flatmate... she has taken over almost sole use of the downstairs cupboard which is 15ft high and holds a crap load of stuff.  I have one backpack and a fold down pasting table in it only and she asked this morning if I can store them on my landing?!!?!  Erm no!

Also, there is a weird cubby hole thing on my landing where I keep washing and I awoke this morning to it full of black bin bags of her stuff... not just 1 or 2 but 6... 6 sodding black bin bags staring me in the face every day when I get up?!?!  I told her this morning that it isn't not ideal and she needs to think about moving them.

Let me put this into perspective for you... As well as the downstairs mega-cupboard she has sole use of the only cupboard in the living room and 1/2 the kitchen cupboards.  I live in the only upstairs room and so the bags were essentially in my room!  Also, despite the fact I will never use her bathroom other than for the toilet (as I have a teeny en suite) and obviously when guests come as its the only communal one (which by the way I clean the toilet every week to compensate for this)... the 4 tampons I left in the bathroom cupboard have been taken out and put on my stairs.  I mean wtf!! Its 4 tampons which at some point I will need to use, hence the reason they were in the bathroom! It is interesting to note that the bathroom scales I own have not been moved as she is on a diet and uses them daily so deemed them fit to keep.

Also, her bf is here 99% of the time she is staying over and despite the fact he is a nice guy and I have no issues with him I sooooooo didn't sign up to live with a couple and she made a bloody point of saying that wouldn't be the case! And why do they stay here anyway when he has a flat all to himself!  Why didn't she just move in with him??

Man it feels good to vent!  I mean I've had some stonking flatmates in the past which I think I might tell you about in my next blog and Roomie is far from the worst but I just don't get her at all.

I think I have allowed a fruit loop to move into my flat.

No song today, but I will leave you with this internet gem I found cunningly entitled 'how to lose a roommate in 10 days'


  1. think you need to make some rowdy ass noise and piss them off... that'll make them think twice about "couples night in"

    p.s is the truth of the matter they are getting some and you ain't...lol

    J x

  2. Rowdy ass noise... lol

    As for 'getting some'... clearly blog watcher you are a guy as every girl knows getting some 'action' is as easy as clicking your fingers ;o)


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