Monday 12 April 2010

Roller Derby

The people from the tv show were meant to be here on Thursday but I wimped out, came up with some utterly lame excuse and eliminated myself... hmmm.

Thinks with Roomie are going ok but her bf is here alllllllllll the time, he is a really nice guy and I actually like him but when she isn't at his house he is here and its beginning to grate a little.  I've decided to give it another few weeks in case its the new-ness of living in the same city and they will give each other a little more space after a while.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Its suuuuuper sunny here today, most probably like where you are sat right now, the sun somehow seems to make things better and living in the UK more bareable... Smiling faces, colourful clothes and less hustle and bustle as people take time to walk to where they are going and seem to stroll rather than speed walk.  Yep, i'm definately a girl who was made to live somewhere in the sunshine!

I saw the film whip-it on Saturday with Mr S, what a great movie! 

I used to love rollerskating when I was younger.  A year or so ago I wanted to buy a pair to get back into it but couldn't find anyone to join me... I think i'm just going to sod it and get some this week :o)  I also found a local roller derby team which I didn't know existed until recently... in fact when I was looking to get back into it the only thing I could think of was roller-disco and that didn't really appeal to me... If only I had known!  Anyway they seem to train when I'm working but the next set of try-outs are in May so I think I might go along and see if I can work something out if I get in.

Lollypop - The Chordettes

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