Friday 23 April 2010

Freaky Friday

This is the name Avril (because she looks like Avril Lavigne) and I have come up with having spent the last 3 Friday's together amid giggles and alcohol... tonight is no exception although this time its a more low key affair at my flat... Roomie is apparently on 'date night' so the disruption will either spoil their plans or force her and the bf to go to his flat, either way I'm happy :p

Exams are around the corner and if I told you I was a little underprepared I'd be making a hugely sweeing statement... I am screwed!

Mr S is firmly settled in next door although some of his things seem to be lingering here despite me asking him to move them.  Despite his recent fuck up resulting in a girl stalking him and what can only be described as a total disaster in dating terms... he decided to get back on the horse and went out on yet another date this Wed - no surprise that he told me one thing and it turned out he was doing another... not that I had been checking up but had to ask due to a landlord/flat situ.  

I'm feeling pretty happy in my own skin at the moment and him moving out has definately been what I needed despite the fact he is now my neighbour (did I tell you about that? hmm I'll need to read a few of my earlier blogs).  Anyway a trip to the hairdressers yesterday has seen me leave with two bright red slices through my hair - slightly punkish and most definately awesome!  And I've spent my entire bonus on gig tickets and fun things :D

Anyway... tonight Avril and I are going to make a 'to do' list for the summer so I'll keep you informed on what we decide and you can have a giggle as I attempt to tick some of it off.


  1. skater punk red stripes.... hmmmm teeeny boppers yes... old dolls hmmmmm.... u sound more avril than ur mate


  2. teeny boppers yes, old dolls? Qua?


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