Friday 16 April 2010


I seem to wander in circles through life and i'm sure i'm not the only one...
2-3 years seems to be the duration of my circles...
  • The time it took for both long term relationships to come to an end
  • The time it took for me to lose interest in my first University course and the time it has taken for me to start slacking off in the second.
  • The longset I have ever worked for one company before moving on.
  • The longest I have lived in one place (this flat).

Yeah I'm definately a girl with a short attention span.  I need spontaneity, change and surprises.  I thrive on creativity and I just don't think i'm someone who can be happy with the mundane, the predictable or the ordinary.  I know this isn't a bad thing but looking at the bigger picture its almost impossible to find that... unless of course you are filthy rich (which i'm not), or never want to have the nice things in life (which I do).

Win Borden once said:
'If you wait to do everything until you're sure its right, you'll probably never do much of anything'

Freedom, liberation and the thing that saves me or at least takes me out of the mundane is music (if you hadn't already guessed)... Music takes me back to places I used to be and propells me to places I know I'm heading for.  I know that probably sounds really anal and self-absorbed but at the same time I think music probably does that for a lot of people.  Oh yes, I love music!  In the past i've had a piano, a flute, a bass and a drumkit... these days its just me and my guitar but still... that guitar is a little piece of sanity.

A great summer song from 1999:  Unpretty, TLC

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