Friday 23 April 2010

Freaky Friday

This is the name Avril (because she looks like Avril Lavigne) and I have come up with having spent the last 3 Friday's together amid giggles and alcohol... tonight is no exception although this time its a more low key affair at my flat... Roomie is apparently on 'date night' so the disruption will either spoil their plans or force her and the bf to go to his flat, either way I'm happy :p

Exams are around the corner and if I told you I was a little underprepared I'd be making a hugely sweeing statement... I am screwed!

Mr S is firmly settled in next door although some of his things seem to be lingering here despite me asking him to move them.  Despite his recent fuck up resulting in a girl stalking him and what can only be described as a total disaster in dating terms... he decided to get back on the horse and went out on yet another date this Wed - no surprise that he told me one thing and it turned out he was doing another... not that I had been checking up but had to ask due to a landlord/flat situ.  

I'm feeling pretty happy in my own skin at the moment and him moving out has definately been what I needed despite the fact he is now my neighbour (did I tell you about that? hmm I'll need to read a few of my earlier blogs).  Anyway a trip to the hairdressers yesterday has seen me leave with two bright red slices through my hair - slightly punkish and most definately awesome!  And I've spent my entire bonus on gig tickets and fun things :D

Anyway... tonight Avril and I are going to make a 'to do' list for the summer so I'll keep you informed on what we decide and you can have a giggle as I attempt to tick some of it off.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


I had planned on telling you about my previous flatmates today, but a surprise delivery has kind of knocked me a little...

A bunch of flowers and a box of chocs arrived at my door this afternoon with a card from Balloo saying thanks for being a good friend.  I went to visit him at dad's where he has moved for a while last weekend as I felt like he had some things on his mind.  Again my blog not his so I won't say anymore but the arrival of fowers to say thanks is a little out of character, don't get me wrong they are gorgeous (as you can see), I just hope I haven't missed something.


The Rembrandts, I'll be there for you:

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Flat(not so)mates

The cracks have begun to show with the new flatmate... she has taken over almost sole use of the downstairs cupboard which is 15ft high and holds a crap load of stuff.  I have one backpack and a fold down pasting table in it only and she asked this morning if I can store them on my landing?!!?!  Erm no!

Also, there is a weird cubby hole thing on my landing where I keep washing and I awoke this morning to it full of black bin bags of her stuff... not just 1 or 2 but 6... 6 sodding black bin bags staring me in the face every day when I get up?!?!  I told her this morning that it isn't not ideal and she needs to think about moving them.

Let me put this into perspective for you... As well as the downstairs mega-cupboard she has sole use of the only cupboard in the living room and 1/2 the kitchen cupboards.  I live in the only upstairs room and so the bags were essentially in my room!  Also, despite the fact I will never use her bathroom other than for the toilet (as I have a teeny en suite) and obviously when guests come as its the only communal one (which by the way I clean the toilet every week to compensate for this)... the 4 tampons I left in the bathroom cupboard have been taken out and put on my stairs.  I mean wtf!! Its 4 tampons which at some point I will need to use, hence the reason they were in the bathroom! It is interesting to note that the bathroom scales I own have not been moved as she is on a diet and uses them daily so deemed them fit to keep.

Also, her bf is here 99% of the time she is staying over and despite the fact he is a nice guy and I have no issues with him I sooooooo didn't sign up to live with a couple and she made a bloody point of saying that wouldn't be the case! And why do they stay here anyway when he has a flat all to himself!  Why didn't she just move in with him??

Man it feels good to vent!  I mean I've had some stonking flatmates in the past which I think I might tell you about in my next blog and Roomie is far from the worst but I just don't get her at all.

I think I have allowed a fruit loop to move into my flat.

No song today, but I will leave you with this internet gem I found cunningly entitled 'how to lose a roommate in 10 days'

Friday 16 April 2010


I seem to wander in circles through life and i'm sure i'm not the only one...
2-3 years seems to be the duration of my circles...
  • The time it took for both long term relationships to come to an end
  • The time it took for me to lose interest in my first University course and the time it has taken for me to start slacking off in the second.
  • The longset I have ever worked for one company before moving on.
  • The longest I have lived in one place (this flat).

Yeah I'm definately a girl with a short attention span.  I need spontaneity, change and surprises.  I thrive on creativity and I just don't think i'm someone who can be happy with the mundane, the predictable or the ordinary.  I know this isn't a bad thing but looking at the bigger picture its almost impossible to find that... unless of course you are filthy rich (which i'm not), or never want to have the nice things in life (which I do).

Win Borden once said:
'If you wait to do everything until you're sure its right, you'll probably never do much of anything'

Freedom, liberation and the thing that saves me or at least takes me out of the mundane is music (if you hadn't already guessed)... Music takes me back to places I used to be and propells me to places I know I'm heading for.  I know that probably sounds really anal and self-absorbed but at the same time I think music probably does that for a lot of people.  Oh yes, I love music!  In the past i've had a piano, a flute, a bass and a drumkit... these days its just me and my guitar but still... that guitar is a little piece of sanity.

A great summer song from 1999:  Unpretty, TLC

Monday 12 April 2010

Roller Derby

The people from the tv show were meant to be here on Thursday but I wimped out, came up with some utterly lame excuse and eliminated myself... hmmm.

Thinks with Roomie are going ok but her bf is here alllllllllll the time, he is a really nice guy and I actually like him but when she isn't at his house he is here and its beginning to grate a little.  I've decided to give it another few weeks in case its the new-ness of living in the same city and they will give each other a little more space after a while.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Its suuuuuper sunny here today, most probably like where you are sat right now, the sun somehow seems to make things better and living in the UK more bareable... Smiling faces, colourful clothes and less hustle and bustle as people take time to walk to where they are going and seem to stroll rather than speed walk.  Yep, i'm definately a girl who was made to live somewhere in the sunshine!

I saw the film whip-it on Saturday with Mr S, what a great movie! 

I used to love rollerskating when I was younger.  A year or so ago I wanted to buy a pair to get back into it but couldn't find anyone to join me... I think i'm just going to sod it and get some this week :o)  I also found a local roller derby team which I didn't know existed until recently... in fact when I was looking to get back into it the only thing I could think of was roller-disco and that didn't really appeal to me... If only I had known!  Anyway they seem to train when I'm working but the next set of try-outs are in May so I think I might go along and see if I can work something out if I get in.

Lollypop - The Chordettes

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Calorie Counting

Why is it that almost every girl I know is on a diet at the moment?  Red is counting calories despite looking increasingly gaunt in the face, all the girls at work are either on diets or have signed up for 'boot camp' - 2hrs of what can only be described as painful insanity 4 days a week at the park behind my flat.

I've never been on a diet, don't get me wrong, I could probably do with losing a few pounds and have even started to change the way I eat this year and have lost just under 10kg so far but I just don't buy into this whole 'don't eat anything bad' and 'exercise until you are miserable' nonsense.

I mean there are other ways to lose weight, eating a little bit less than you want, cutting out 60/70% of snacks rather than all of them and more bareable types of exercise than running round the park pushing a tractor tyre while some middle aged wannabe drill sergent is screaming in your ear - no thankyou!!

It takes more calories to eat and digest a stick of celery than is in the celery itself - fact!  Doing housework can burn just as many calories as a cardio workout at the gym if done with enough feist, chewing gum burns calories, and as for enjoyable... vigarous sex is also high on the calorie burning list although disappointingly, an orgasm only burns a mere 7 calories.

My advice?   

Grab your guy, get on top, have a giggle and while you are up there chew gum, have a stick of celery for eating in your left hand and the hoover in your right - talk about a multi-tasking genius!  A happy bf, a clean flat and a skinny you!  And if you really want to show off... double up and turn the 7 for an O(hhhh) into 14 by doubling up :o)

And for the more advanced among of we females... the correct outfit!  You guys are probably totally oblivious to this but looking all sex kitten like - actually quite difficult and corset wearing must burn at least 200 calories (no word of a lie), those things were not designed for solo-dressing, its all arms, elbows and twisting to push, shove and suck things into place.

A tasty treat for those of you who have enjoyed today's blog and think perhaps weightloss the serendipity way sounds like more fun:

Stacie Orrico, More to Life

Friday 2 April 2010

The last 2 weeks

The last two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind so I'll try fill you in and get you up to speed without boring you to tears...

I went to Salisbury with Balloo for Herb and Barron's flatwarming, it was a great trip, we did lots of catching up, injured ourselves getting a bit too into wii sports plus and the hat party was a hit.  I ended up option for a cheeky sailors hat and hooking up Balloo with a pirate hat but it was pretty much a hat swapping game all night.

There was a quite a good looking guy there and lots of flirting was had but it was all in good humour and he ended up leaving last.  The guys that Herb and Barron had thought I would be attracted to turned out to be of no interest but nice all the same.

The night ended with a bit of a heart to heart in the kitchen with Barron who said I seemed to pick the wrong type of guy and I need to focus on more outgoing people to compliment me as I'm a bit sporadic and that he will 'vet potentials' in the future if I ask.  Balloo pretty much said the same and stayed on point for the latter part of the evening as I think he thought it might result in a hook-up and he didn't seem to keen on my choice of guy.

Mr S
Mr S finally returned to the flat a couple of days before I went to Salisbury saying he wanted to talk and sort the friendship out.  As I've said before this is a blog for my life not his so I don't want to go into where he has been or doing what as to out that information should be his choice not mine.  In short he had moved in with a girl he was going out with, he moved back and ended it and realised he had been a bit of an ass to me.

I got a really nice email from him while I was away and after coming back and thinking it over for a few days we sat down to talk last Sat and decided to try and make our friendship work.  He also seems to have a lot going on but again his story not mine.  We went out to the cinema and grabbed a takeout on Sunday and since then things have been ok.  Small steps so not to get trampled on or hut but yeah... I'm glad at how things have ended.

Mr S moved out this week and my new flatmate moved in (don't think I have given her a name yet so from now on lets call her Mod - she used to be one).  Mod and I sat down last night after she had 'officially' moved in and had a few glasses of wine - I think we will get on well as flatmates fingers crossed.

Tonight we are having a few people over for drinks and nibbles.

Mr S... and here is the bit you may question as a few of my friends have.  But Mr S is moving into the flat across the hallway, same block of flats, same floor but 3 doors down in 10 days so we will be neighbours.  I'm not sure if I'm making a mistake or heading for another fall but I just can't seem to cut someone who has been my best friend and my rock for such a long time out my life, despite recent times.  I'm really glad he is moving just along the hallway as hope we can get our friendship back on track and stay in each others lives - am I fooling myself?

Just a great song I am listening to a lot lately (Jared Leto has a great voice):
30 Seconds to Mars, This is War

Thursday 1 April 2010


Since I blogged last I met the man of my dreams and everything was a whirlwind... we went to vegas last weekend and tied the knot.

Sheryl Crow, A change:

ps:  April Fools :p
Tricks and Tips