Thursday 3 May 2012

Vote? I Think We Are Screwed Anyway

For those of you who read my blog often you will already know that I don't really follow politics, I know enough to get by and very little else.  I do think that politicians have a really difficult job as you can't make everyone happy all the time, especially when you are trying to keep a country successful.  What I do know for sure however, is that this last two years I've really started to notice things turning to crap.

I remember the chatter of 'credit crunch' when the banks screwed us and things started losing their sheen, but I also remember thinking (at the time) that as I live on a budget anyway juggling Uni and work with each other, I would probably not notice the difference.  I was wrong.

Where I live is supposed to be a rich city, lots of industry, lots of capitalism and lots of people with fat wallets and big stomachs ploughing money back into the country.  This image is so far from the reality I now see on a daily basis it is hard to imagine when/how it will return.  I know so many highly skilled people out of work as businesses have started to close, and not just small businesses but large corporations closing branches, or closing down all together.  Tax on everything is up, the cost of living is through the roof, houses everywhere are for sale and on a personal note my landlord (who owns his own property agency) is in such financial crisis that the bank has taken back several of his properties (mine included) giving notice to the tenants and putting the flats/houses/apartments on the market.  Things are turning to crap.

So today is voting day and although I know I am going to vote, I can't help but think that no matter what happens over the next few years it won't matter which party you have voted in locally or which party takes the reigns of the country... we are so far gone it will take a sodding miracle to get us back.

In years to come this will be a time that people focus on in history class in schools, looking at how royally we screwed up and how we had to drastically change our lives in order to try and piece the country back together again... If we piece it back together again.  I can't help but wonder if somewhere down the line we will end up being consumed by someone else.

Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight


  1. its just an economic cycle... it's happened decade after decade after decade...

    everyone in their lifetime will experience it.. because its a 'cycle'.

    It's a fantastic reality check for those who have thought greed is good and borrowing on credit is a wise move.. becuase its NOT!

    It brings everyone back into line. Yes, i know people are suffering (and its probably the wrong people who suffer the most), but its a cycle... and we will come out the other side..

    nobody knows how; whether we'll emrge in a better psotion or a worse psotion (it defo feels like well emerge without any savings-thats for bloody sure)!

    As anyone who did A-level history knows;
    1929 Wall St Crash, the fall of the weimar republic... the rise of nazism... look how that turned out. If things are bad now, look at the past- they had it wayyyyy worse!

    Chin up, grin & bear it.. There are plenty of oppurtunites out there for people; more wealth is created in times of austerity than we all think. I knwo people say its the rich getting richer- buit thats not true.

    Its about being positive; times like this we need to be positive. Its the media- it's the newspapers and tv programmes that are making us all negative about the economic cliamte.. they create this 'moral panic' that we need to be saving as we're all goign to be skint...

    that's just total bollox!
    We need to be spending money (those of us that have it). We need to be buying british where we can, supporting local industries- comapnies that make a real difference to Britain and not foreign multi-nationls that give sweet FA back!

    thats how we will emerge successfully

    lunchtime rant over..


  2. Haha thanks for your comment JJ.


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