Tuesday 8 May 2012

Horse On Back (rearrange)

I was talking to someone from work the other day that I speak to quite a bit, she is older than me so we don't really socialise in a bar/club/gig kinda way but we are super similar in that I can see myself in her and vice versa.  Let's call her... Mercury (because she seems to be able to cope and adapt to anything life throws at her).

Mercury is one of the few people I know that I actually open up to when they ask me how I am doing.  She knows most of the truths about my life and not because we have sat down to have all-meaningful conversations, but because there have never been any barriers and the whole truth always feels like the right thing to say.  I rely on Mercury not to give me advice as she rarely takes that bold move but she is one of my measures in life.  If I ever needed advice she would give it and while she has never been my support mechanism I am sure she would be if I asked.  She would never presume to offer.

Anyway, this week Mercury and I were exchanging the latest twists and turns in our life (of which at the moment she has many) and in passing she threw out a few things that really made me wonder why it is I feel the need to 'be in that place' to date or find barriers to stop people who want to know me getting in. So... tonight when I got home from work I decided to stop.

I'm not saying I'm going to look for someone to let into my life because I am happy with things as they are, but I'm going to stop fighting the people who want to get in and make myself easier to find.  I'm giving my life a spoonful of sugar <3

This weekend as you know I'm heading out to a 'Serendipity style place' with a friend for drinks and some shape busting dance floor moves but I think now I'll throw in some flirting for good measure and maybe even take/exchange a number or two if the night takes that turn.  I also threw on some decent music this evening and put myself back on the dating site we girlie's/guys were on last year.  I'm not going to search for anyone but I've put up a couple of photos, filled in the mandatory bits and threw some blurb in the daunting white boxes.  

In other news I've ditched the red and I'm back to brunette.  The question is... do I want to add some blue?

Joseph Arthur - In The Sun


  1. brilliant I cant wait to hear how it goes x

  2. Brunettes are hotter :p


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