Monday 14 May 2012

Meetings & Media

Yowzer I have a full day today, but for once I don't feel that nervous so something must be amiss. 

I've an interview for a job I don't particularly want but will probably get (and it will keep the £££ rolling in while I find the right one) this afternoon.  Then I've a preliminary negotiation with job number two, a meeting with senior management for job number 1 and then later on this evening just to top things off I have to chair another meeting for job number 2.  I better be sure to opt for the power dress today :P  

Dating wise the CD I received from Radiohead made me chuckle when I started to play it and realised track one was 'Fake Plastic Trees'.  He is really making some beautiful music at the moment.  I might actually post something of his on the blog.  Mr X joined me on Linkedin this last week and saw a rather grouchy picture of me but something weird has happened since and this last few days he has been keen to skype.  It hasn't happened as I am no longer in a place where I tailor my life around his.  Internet dating wise I've been asked out a few times  but have decided to go on two dates probably on Friday and Sunday the first is with one of the guys I've already given you an overview of and the second is surprisingly with someone who emailed me a couple of times yesterday.  He was honest, interesting and for some reason I didn't feel my usual inclination to decline until I knew more as his emails had already told me a lot.  There is a slight irony in the situation however, after I had agreed I asked a little more about his job (he hadn't put a picture on his profile but had sent one in his first email) and it turns out he is pretty well known in the sporting world.  I can't deny I gave his position a quick google and found him, with almost 800K followers on his twitter account I had to chuckle at the fact I'd no idea who he was.

Other than that I met a girl who replied to my fitness ad on the net last night and we have a green light to start all things 'get thin' related this coming weekend.  I'm going to email the other people that replied today.  On that note however I think I am going to start jogging early in the morning (I would say running but even at a sprint I'm a slow-mo runner), can anyone recommend some decent trainers that I could also use for classes and the gym that look nice but won't break the bank?  Oh and I have teeny feet - size 3/4 so they need to come in micro-fit also.

The Ting Tings - Hang It Up

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