Saturday 22 October 2011

The Wolves

I can feel the wolves circling in more ways than one today.  

Last night's dinner party was a success, everything I cooked went exactly to plan, all plates were left clear, all glasses were kept topped up, the conversation flowed and everyone left smiling and will the full tummy.  I don't think you could ask for much more.

I'm heading up to Red's this evening for cocktails and a catchup and in the next hour I'm heading to a local(ish) bar to catchup with a guy I know from high-school and some of his friends before heading to an exhibit.  He is what you would refer to as a seriously dedicated rock/metal lover so I am sure it will be an interesting bunch, there may be a couple of others I know from high-school there also that he kept in touch with but that were always a bit meek for the younger version of me to spend too much time talking to.  Saying that it would be good to see a couple of them and find out how they are doing these days.

Something I'm not going to blog about at the moment unexpectedly made me shed a little tear this morning so I could definately do with an afternoon of soaking up good vibes, laughter and all those other 'feel good' things associated with hanging out with a good group of friends.  I need my wolf pack.

Here's wishing you guys are all over the weekend :)

Radiohead - Just (you do it to yourself)

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