Wednesday 12 October 2011

Date Day

I'm meeting Fizzy in a couple of hours for a first date and I'm not going to lie bloggers, I'm pretty nervous.

I have woken up with several blotches on my face (I used to think I was lucky having perfect skin when I was younger as everyone else was struggling with ache, but no... It just meant things were biding their time to bite me in the ass when I grew up) which will be difficult to cover up.  I am having what we girls refer to as 'a fat day' and I am shattered having had a rubbish nights sleep as my shoulder was playing up.

Yes.  It is safe to say that all things taken into consideration the only saviour for the date would be alcohol, alas... It is a lunchtime date as it is his day off and I will be going to work straight after.  Ohhh the glamour!

Work is also set to be an interesting one... I'm handling a grievance case at the moment and unfortunately I am representing the person who you would refer to as the 'guilty party'.  We have been to the initial meetings and this week I expect to find which elements will be upheld (I would say 'if any' but from the initial briefing I'm not convinced this is going to be the case).  Anyway the guy in question has been like a limpet since I took on the case, always at my desk, calling and texting all the time, wanting information I am not in a position to give etc. and I am probably about one email away from cracking.  It is safe to say if he appears at my desk again today I will be in no uncertain terms 'laying it out straight'.

Ironically I'm excellent at my job in this area and the only outcome of this nonsense will be me dropping my assistance telling him he is on his own which I'm not far from.  Don't get me wrong I completely understand that it is a difficult situation to be in but I have set realistic outcome dates and so far 40% advice I have given him has been ignored to his detriment.  Yes, one more thing and he will be on his own and collecting his P45 before the month is out.

Thinking about it... Probably a good thing the date today won't involve wine as this last week I've been feeling like a bunny.

Get Off - Prince

1 comment:

  1. hehe the next blog should be an interesting one! good luck :)


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