Thursday 13 October 2011

Dead In the Water

That's what happened to Wednesdays fish... OMG what a terrible date!

Within hmmm oh I don't know... 3mins, I was 60% confident he wasn't the guy I had pegged him for, by 5mins I was 80% and within 10mins I was positively certain.  

Fizzy bloggers is one of those somewhat arrogant, big myself up despite it being blatenly clear I have no substance kind of people.  Don't get me wrong its not about the money you make or the job you do but more the way you look at the world and treat the people around you.  Fizzy it seems rather liked to belittle and compare his 'greatness' to those around him.  I was looking for an exit strategy within minutes.

Unfortunately, despite his ego Fizzy had either stumbled into one of the greatest lines on earth or was a smarter cookie than I gave him credit for as the next words that left his lips and entered my bored and bleeding ears were 'so what do you do to get out of a terrible first date'.  

I was screwed bloggers!  It was almost like he was calling it so I had nowhere to run.  This was an eventuality I hadn't prepared for.  Don't get me wrong the convenient 'emergency' situation is about as obvious as a black man at a KKK meeting, but to pose this question left me high and dry and completely unable to use any get-out-clause.  Bastard!

I endured 2 hours of trivial, mind numbing chat before I made my excuses and ran as fast as my little legs could take me in the other direction.

Plenty more fish in the sea I hear you say... I think I prefer my fish with chips.

Iggy Pop - I'm Bored

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