Tuesday 11 October 2011


You know those days where you haven't had enough sleep, are completely restless, have 101 things to do and all the while could eat your own body weight in stodge and comfort food... well I'm having one.

I've managed to stave off the cravings so far by drinking a heap of water but I think I'm about to crack.  I think I would wrestle a buffalo for a bowl of macaroni cheese right now.  I'm also pretty confident I would win.

It's on days like this that I'm glad I don't have money to burn as I'd probably end up sitting in a restaurant with eyes bigger than my stomach stuffing my face faster than my body can process the fact I'm full.

I am one of those people that the fullness of my stomach directly relates to the number of chews I have done.  Soup as tasty as it is may fill me up but I somehow never feel satisfied as I haven't got my chomp on.  Carrots on the other hand are suuuuper munchy and so seem to fill me up quickly.  

Right I better go find something to nom!

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