Thursday 11 August 2011


I've had to call into work sick the last couple of days, my shoulder has been a sodding nightmare.  It is so so sore all the time, I've a brace that works when it is on but when off my entire arm swells up and until yesterday I was no further forward in getting it fixed.

I've finally managed to get a referral to a specialist as the doctor now seems to agree with me that physiotherapy may not be working like it should be and so surgery may be a better option.  In the mean time I am on some serious pain medication.  max strength, max dosage co-codamol and a whack of diclofenac to top it off.  I feel like a floaty sponge that feels travel sick and has a seriously unhappy tummy.  I'm going to take the max as advised for another few days and then cut back down on the co-codamol as I don't like to take too much in the form of pain relief, by that time the side effects of the diclofenac should have settled and I am hoping I will stop feeling sick.

I don't think my boss is too happy.  I mean my shoulder is perfectly capable of doing my job but me doing the 101 tasks to get to work isn't really working any the fact I feel I'm sitting on my couch and dribbling most of the day also isn't conducive to work.  Oh dear.

So while I am in a semi comatose state and am going slightly insane at the same time with boredom as I can't really function to do anything but watch tv (and my god daytime tv sucks), feel free to msg me or comment me some movie suggestions.  I also like a good 'people based' documentary... suggestions seriously welcome :)

I definately feel like today's tune...
Smoke City - Underwater Love


  1. Daytime TV is a government initiative to make people go out and apply for jobs. I feel for retired and people unable to work. I love documentaries and would recommend 'Grey Gardens', 'Gimme Shelter', and the awesome 'Shoah'. I also recommend bugging people via email to break yours and their monotonous days. ;)

  2. Small teen bigger world on BBC iPlayer, I watched it the other week and it was good for a quick docu boost.


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